Deploying applications to the Liberty profile

You can deploy web applications or OSGi applications to the Liberty profile. You deploy an application by either dropping the application into a previously-defined "dropins" directory, or by adding an application entry to the server configuration.

Before you begin

For distributed platforms You can deploy applications as described in this topic, or as described in Adding and running an application on the Liberty profile by using developer tools.

This topic assumes that you have not disabled dynamic updates to the runtime configuration, as described in Controlling dynamic updates.

About this task

By default, the "dropins" directory is automatically monitored. If you drop an application into this directory, the application is automatically deployed on the server. Similarly, if the application is deleted from the directory, the application is automatically removed from the server. The "dropins" directory can be used for applications that do not require additional configuration, such as security role mapping. If you put your applications in the "dropins" directory, you must not include an entry for the application in the server configuration. Otherwise, the server will try to load the application twice and an error might error. For applications that are not in the "dropins" directory, you specify the location using an application entry in the server configuration. The location can be on the file system or at a URL.

Your application can be packaged as an archive file or as a directory. For applications in the "dropins" directory, the file name and file extension are used by the application monitor to determine the type of application, and to generate the application name and the context-root for web applications. For example, if the archive file or directory is named snoop.war, the application monitor assumes that the application is a web application, that the application name is "snoop", and that the context-root is also snoop. For configured applications, you specify the application type and name, and if the application is a web application, the application name is also used as the context-root.

For more information about the default directory structure and the properties that are associated with directories (for example server.config.dir), see Liberty profile: Directory locations and properties.


What to do next

For all deployed applications, you can configure whether application monitoring is enabled and how often to check for updates to applications. For the "dropins" directory, you can also configure the name and location of the directory and choose whether to deploy the applications that are in the directory. See Controlling dynamic updates.

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Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013
File name: twlp_dep.html