Upgrading to IBM AD V5.1.0.9

Starting with IBM® AD V5.1.0.9, IBM AD Upgrade Wizard is introduced and helps to easily configure the Application Discovery servers, databases, and components, to the latest version.
  • The following upgrade scenarios are also applicable when upgrading to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 interim fix 1 and IBM AD V5.1.0.9 interim fix 2.
  • Only upgrading from IBM AD V5.1.0.7 and IBM AD V5.1.0.8 is supported by IBM AD Upgrade Wizard. If you are using a version that is prior to IBM AD V5.1.0.7 and you would like to upgrade IBM AD to the latest level, check the detailed instructions in the corresponding section.
  • Once the upgrade and configuration of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence to the latest version is completed, make sure to reactivate the full functionality of IBM AD by using the latest Activation Kit available on Passport Advantage®. For more information, see Activating the full functionality of IBM AD from a free version .

Upgrading from IBM AD V5.1.0.8 by using IBM AD Upgrade Wizard

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.8 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.
  1. With IBM AD installed and configured, and before you run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, you need to stop IBM Application Discovery Graph Service as follows:
    • On Windows, go to \IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\orientdb\orientdb-community\bin and execute the shutdown.bat -p <YourOrientDBPassword> command to stop IBM Application Discovery Graph Service.
    • On Linux®, go to \IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\orientdb\orientdb-community\bin and execute the shutdown.sh -p <YourOrientDBPassword> command to stop IBM Application Discovery Graph Service.
  2. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADDI Extension installation path if ADDI Extension has been previously installed.
    • Installing a higher level of ADDI Extension directly over an existing instance of ADDI Extension can cause problems when trying to migrate ADDI Extension configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the latest ADDI Extension User Guide.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, ensure that the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox is selected. The IBM AD Upgrade Wizard will open in the system's default browser after the upgrade is completed.
  3. Once the installation process of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is completed, it will open IBM AD Upgrade Wizard in a new tab of the default browser.
    Note: Depending on the machine performance, you might see the Context root not found page in your browser. Wait for a minute and then refresh the page until you see IBM AD Upgrade Wizard showing in your browser.
  4. Go through IBM AD Upgrade Wizard and click Done to have a successful upgrade process.
  5. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  6. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  7. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  8. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading from IBM AD V5.1.0.7 by using IBM AD Upgrade Wizard

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.7 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.
  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADDI Extension installation path if ADDI Extension has been previously installed.
    • Installing a higher level of ADDI Extension directly over an existing instance of ADDI Extension can cause problems when trying to migrate ADDI Extension configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the latest ADDI Extension User Guide.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, ensure that the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox is selected. The IBM AD Upgrade Wizard will open in the system's default browser after the upgrade is completed.
  2. Once the installation process of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is completed, it will open IBM AD Upgrade Wizard in a new tab of the default browser.
    Note: Depending on the machine performance, you might see the Context root not found page in your browser. Wait for a minute and then refresh the page until you see IBM AD Upgrade Wizard showing in your browser.
  3. Go through IBM AD Upgrade Wizard and click Done to have a successful upgrade process.
  4. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  5. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  6. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  7. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.8

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.8 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.
  1. With IBM AD installed and configured, and before you run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, you need to stop IBM Application Discovery Graph Service as follows:
    • On Windows, go to \IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\orientdb\orientdb-community\bin and execute the shutdown.bat -p <YourOrientDBPassword> command to stop IBM Application Discovery Graph Service.
    • On Linux, go to \IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\orientdb\orientdb-community\bin and execute the shutdown.sh -p <YourOrientDBPassword> command to stop IBM Application Discovery Graph Service.
  2. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADDI Extension installation path if ADDI Extension has been previously installed.
    • Installing a higher level of ADDI Extension directly over an existing instance of ADDI Extension can cause problems when trying to migrate ADDI Extension configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the latest ADDI Extension User Guide.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
  3. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  4. Check if all configuration files for IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Search Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, and IBM AD Cross Applications Service are present in the /conf/ folder for each service's installation folder. If any of the conf.yaml files are missing, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder of the target service.
  5. Check if all configurations files are present in the /conf/ folder of IBM AD Batch Server. If these files are missing, copy the backed-up files into the /conf/ folder.
  6. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\conf.audit\, open audit.properties, and perform the following actions:
    1. Add the following parameter:
    2. Optionally, remove dataSourceUrl, dataSourceUsername, and dataSourcePassword.
  7. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2® for z/OS® server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    3. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  8. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml file, and remove the double quotations marks ("") for the mapping-groups and groups-addrs parameters.
  9. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Servers > Graph Database Server, and reset the Password.
  10. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  11. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.7

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.7 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.
  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADDI Extension installation path if ADDI Extension has been previously installed.
    • Installing a higher level of ADDI Extension directly over an existing instance of ADDI Extension can cause problems when trying to migrate ADDI Extension configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the latest ADDI Extension User Guide.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
  2. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  3. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\conf.audit\, open audit.properties, and perform the following actions:
    1. Add the following parameter:
    2. Optionally, remove dataSourceUrl, dataSourceUsername, and dataSourcePassword.
  4. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml file, and remove the double quotations marks ("") for the mapping-groups and groups-addrs parameters.
  5. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  6. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  7. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2 for z/OS server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    3. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  8. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  9. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.6

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.6 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.

  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADI installation path if ADI has been previously installed.
    • When using the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, do not use the same installation path to install a newer version of ADI over an existing version of ADI. Installing a higher level of ADI directly over an existing instance of ADI can cause problems when trying to migrate ADI configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the ADI documentation.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
    • Starting with IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9, the IBM AD Web Services is installed and configured by default under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
  2. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  3. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml, and add the following information:
    Note: If the conf.yaml for IBM AD File Service is missing from the /conf/ folder, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder.
    # Encoding specifies the encoding used in the source files
    # Must use IANA standard names
    encoding: windows-1252
    The default value of the encoding that is used in the source files is Windows-1252. If necessary, the encoding can be changed. For more information, see https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
  4. Check if all configuration files for IBM AD Search Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, and IBM AD Cross Applications Service are present in the /conf/ folder for each service's installation folder. If any of the conf.yaml files are missing, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder of the target service.
  5. Check if all configurations files are present in the /conf/ folder of IBM AD Batch Server. If these files are missing, copy the backed-up files into the /conf/ folder.
  6. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  7. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  8. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save. After the save action finishes, do not restart any services as suggested on the page.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2 for z/OS server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to the Configure tab, click the edit button of the target environment, change the status from Inactive to Active, and click Save.
      Note: Wait until the process is finished. This process can take a few minutes to complete.
    3. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your target environment and make sure that all port numbers are available in the Ports area. If a port number is missing, you can enter it manually. For more information, see Modify the General and Port Settings.
    4. Go to the Dashboard tab and make sure that all IBM AD Services are up and running. If necessary, click the menu button of the target service, and select Restart Service.
    5. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    6. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  9. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  10. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.5

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.5 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.

  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADI installation path if ADI has been previously installed.
    • When using the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, do not use the same installation path to install a newer version of ADI over an existing version of ADI. Installing a higher level of ADI directly over an existing instance of ADI can cause problems when trying to migrate ADI configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the ADI documentation.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
    • Starting with IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9, the IBM AD Web Services is installed and configured by default under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
  2. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  3. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml, and add the following information:
    Note: If the conf.yaml for IBM AD File Service is missing from the /conf/ folder, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder.
    # Encoding specifies the encoding used in the source files
    # Must use IANA standard names
    encoding: windows-1252
    The default value of the encoding that is used in the source files is Windows-1252. If necessary, the encoding can be changed. For more information, see https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
  4. Check if all configuration files for IBM AD Search Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, and IBM AD Cross Applications Service are present in the /conf/ folder for each service's installation folder. If any of the conf.yaml files are missing, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder of the target service.
  5. Check if all configurations files are present in the /conf/ folder of IBM AD Batch Server. If these files are missing, copy the backed-up files into the /conf/ folder.
  6. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  7. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  8. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save. After the save action finishes, do not restart any services as suggested on the page.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2 for z/OS server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to the Configure tab, click the edit button of the target environment, change the status from Inactive to Active, and click Save.
      Note: Wait until the process is finished. This process can take a few minutes to complete.
    3. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your target environment and make sure that all port numbers are available in the Ports area. If a port number is missing, you can enter it manually. For more information, see Modify the General and Port Settings.
    4. Go to the Dashboard tab and make sure that all IBM AD Services are up and running. If necessary, click the menu button of the target service, and select Restart Service.
    5. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    6. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  9. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  10. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.4

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.4 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.

  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADI installation path if ADI has been previously installed.
    • When using the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, do not use the same installation path to install a newer version of ADI over an existing version of ADI. Installing a higher level of ADI directly over an existing instance of ADI can cause problems when trying to migrate ADI configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the ADI documentation.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
    • Starting with IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9, the IBM AD Web Services is installed and configured by default under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
  2. Once the upgrade to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 is finalized, make sure to manually delete the cross databases that were used by IBM AD Cross Applications Service in IBM AD V5.1.0.4 from Microsoft SQL Server.
  3. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  4. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml, and add the following information:
    Note: If the conf.yaml for IBM AD File Service is missing from the /conf/ folder, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder.
    # Encoding specifies the encoding used in the source files
    # Must use IANA standard names
    encoding: windows-1252
    The default value of the encoding that is used in the source files is Windows-1252. If necessary, the encoding can be changed. For more information, see https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
  5. Check if all configuration files for IBM AD Search Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, and IBM AD Cross Applications Service are present in the /conf/ folder for each service's installation folder. If any of the conf.yaml files are missing, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder of the target service.
  6. Check if all configurations files are present in the /conf/ folder of IBM AD Batch Server. If these files are missing, copy the backed-up files into the /conf/ folder.
  7. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  8. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  9. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save. After the save action finishes, do not restart any services as suggested on the page.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2 for z/OS server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to the Configure tab, click the edit button of the target environment, change the status from Inactive to Active, and click Save.
      Note: Wait until the process is finished. This process can take a few minutes to complete.
    3. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your target environment and make sure that all port numbers are available in the Ports area. If a port number is missing, you can enter it manually. For more information, see Modify the General and Port Settings.
    4. Go to the Dashboard tab and make sure that all IBM AD Services are up and running. If necessary, click the menu button of the target service, and select Restart Service.
    5. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    6. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  10. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  11. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.3

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.3 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.

  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADI installation path if ADI has been previously installed.
    • When using the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, do not use the same installation path to install a newer version of ADI over an existing version of ADI. Installing a higher level of ADI directly over an existing instance of ADI can cause problems when trying to migrate ADI configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the ADI documentation.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
  2. Once the upgrade to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 is finalized, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service and IBM AD Cross Applications Service need to be configured as follows:
    1. IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service - is a mandatory service that needs to be configured to authorize the access to the AD projects. The list of projects is not cached at the restart of the IBM AD Analyze Client and it is necessary to use the Get project list contextual-menu option each time when IBM AD Analyze Client starts. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, see STEP 6. Configuring IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service (without authentication) or STEP 7. Configuring IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service (with authentication).
    2. IBM AD Cross Applications Service - is an additional service that needs to be configured to show calls between different mainframe projects that have their databases on the same DB instance in IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Cross Applications Service, see STEP 9. Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service (without authentication) or STEP 10. Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service (with authentication).
  3. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  4. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml, and add the following information:
    Note: If the conf.yaml for IBM AD File Service is missing from the /conf/ folder, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder.
    # Encoding specifies the encoding used in the source files
    # Must use IANA standard names
    encoding: windows-1252
    The default value of the encoding that is used in the source files is Windows-1252. If necessary, the encoding can be changed. For more information, see https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
  5. Check if all configuration files for IBM AD Search Service and IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service are present in the /conf/ folder for each service's installation folder. If any of the conf.yaml files are missing, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder of the target service.
  6. Check if all configurations files are present in the /conf/ folder of IBM AD Batch Server. If these files are missing, copy the backed-up files into the /conf/ folder.
  7. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  8. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  9. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save. After the save action finishes, do not restart any services as suggested on the page.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2 for z/OS server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to the Configure tab, click the edit button of the target environment, change the status from Inactive to Active, and click Save.
      Note: Wait until the process is finished. This process can take a few minutes to complete.
    3. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your target environment and make sure that all port numbers are available in the Ports area. If a port number is missing, you can enter it manually. For more information, see Modify the General and Port Settings.
    4. Go to the Dashboard tab and make sure that all IBM AD Services are up and running. If necessary, click the menu button of the target service, and select Restart Service.
    5. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    6. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  10. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  11. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.2

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.2 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.

  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADI installation path if ADI has been previously installed.
    • When using the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, do not use the same installation path to install a newer version of ADI over an existing version of ADI. Installing a higher level of ADI directly over an existing instance of ADI can cause problems when trying to migrate ADI configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the ADI documentation.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
  2. Once the upgrade to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 is finalized, the following services need to be configured as follows:
    1. IBM AD File Service

      Prior to IBM AD V5.1.0.3, the sources and the project folders need to be shared.

      Starting with IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD File Service was introduced and in the context of the authorization/authentication, the access rights of users or users' groups are mapped to a certain folder with the source files that are on the same machine with IBM AD File Service or not. Once authenticated and authorized, the user can start the analysis on the source files as long as the user has read access rights.

      If you still want to use the existing projects, you need to add the path to the shared sources folders that were used during the project creation, when configuring IBM AD File Service. In this way, you are still able to access the sources from another machine. This path needs to be added in the conf.yaml file, in the mapping section, where the remote parameter is present.

      • If the authorization/authentication feature is not used, for the new projects you need to have a shared folder to access those files from another machine. For more information on how to configure IBM AD File Service without authentication, see STEP 4. Configuring IBM AD File Service.
      • If the authorization/authentication feature is used, for the new projects it is not necessary to have a shared folder. For more information on how to configure IBM AD File Service with authentication, see STEP 5. Configuring IBM AD File Service.
    2. IBM AD Search Service

      Prior to IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD Batch Server was generating, through the index component, the indexed data for the resources of a project into a path set in the project.properties file. In IBM AD Analyze Client a search in resources was directly performed by using Search in Files analysis.

      Starting with IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD Search Service is responsible with the access to the indexed data. Whether the authorization/authentication feature is used or not, the folder path in which the indexes are generated needs to be accessible both for IBM AD Batch Server and IBM AD Search Service. The path where the index data is generated needs to be added in the conf.yaml file, where the indexPath parameter is present. This path can be found under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\conf\project.properties, where the index.indexFolder parameter is present.

      The path to the source folders that are added to the project or any additional folder that needs to be indexed (apart from the project folders), needs to be added in the conf.yaml file of IBM AD File Service, where the mapping section is present. The path to the additional folder can be found under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\conf\project.properties, where the index.extraSources parameter is present.
      • Make sure that IBM AD Search Service and IBM AD File Service are started as Search in Files analysis depends on them. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Search Service without authentication, see STEP 7. Configuring IBM AD Search Service.
      • If the authorization/authentication feature is used, the user that is logged in IBM AD Analyze Client needs to have read access rights to see the content of the files where the search pattern appears. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Search Service with authentication, see STEP 9. Configuring IBM AD Search Service.
    3. IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service

      Prior IBM AD V5.1.0.3, the dynamic call resolutions were stored and managed by using files located in the .resolutions folder under each project's path.

      Starting with IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service manages these files, so the path where these files are generated is separated from project's path and needs to be accessible only for IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service. This path where the journal files are generated needs to be added in the conf.yaml file, where the projectPath parameter is present. Once a project is imported, a folder with the same name is generated in that path and hosts all the files that are needed to manage dynamic call resolutions. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, see STEP 5. Configuring IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service (without authentication) or STEP 6. Configuring IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service (with authentication).
      Note: Make sure that IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service is started as the import process depends on it.

      To preserve the journal files that were used in the previous versions, the moveResolutions.ps1 script allows you to automatically move the journal files from a previous location to a new destination, where for each project, a folder that contains the journal files is created.

      To run the moveResolutions.ps1 script, perform the following steps:
      1. Go to the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Manual Resolutions Service folder and locate the moveResolutions.ps1 script.
      2. Run the moveResolutions.ps1 script by using Windows PowerShell.
      3. Set the source parameter, which represents the path where the IBM AD Build Client projects were created. The default path is found in IBM AD Configuration Server at the following location: Home Page > "YourConfigurationServer:Port" > > Install Configurations > IBM Application Discovery Build Client > Default projects path.
      4. Set the destination parameter, which represents the path for the files that are moved on.
      5. As a result, all the journal files are moved in the newly set location.
    4. IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service - is a mandatory service that needs to be configured to authorize the access to the AD projects. The list of projects is not cached at the restart of the IBM AD Analyze Client and it is necessary to use the Get project list contextual-menu option each time when IBM AD Analyze Client starts. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, see STEP 6. Configuring IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service (without authentication) or STEP 7. Configuring IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service (with authentication).
    5. IBM AD Cross Applications Service - is an additional service that needs to be configured to show calls between different mainframe projects that have their databases on the same DB instance. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Cross Applications Service, see STEP 9. Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service (without authentication) or STEP 10. Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service (with authentication).
  3. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  4. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml, and add the following information:
    Note: If the conf.yaml for IBM AD File Service is missing from the /conf/ folder, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder.
    # Encoding specifies the encoding used in the source files
    # Must use IANA standard names
    encoding: windows-1252
    The default value of the encoding that is used in the source files is Windows-1252. If necessary, the encoding can be changed. For more information, see https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
  5. Check if all configuration files for IBM AD Search Service and IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service are present in the /conf/ folder for each service's installation folder. If any of the conf.yaml files are missing, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder of the target service.
  6. Check if all configurations files are present in the /conf/ folder of IBM AD Batch Server. If these files are missing, copy the backed-up files into the /conf/ folder.
  7. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  8. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  9. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save. After the save action finishes, do not restart any services as suggested on the page.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2 for z/OS server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to the Configure tab, click the edit button of the target environment, change the status from Inactive to Active, and click Save.
      Note: Wait until the process is finished. This process can take a few minutes to complete.
    3. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your target environment and make sure that all port numbers are available in the Ports area. If a port number is missing, you can enter it manually. For more information, see Modify the General and Port Settings.
    4. Go to the Dashboard tab and make sure that all IBM AD Services are up and running. If necessary, click the menu button of the target service, and select Restart Service.
    5. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    6. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  10. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  11. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.

Upgrading manually from IBM AD V5.1.0.0

Steps to be performed when you upgrade IBM AD V5.1.0.0 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.

  1. Run the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer without uninstalling AD components and make sure that the same IBM AD installation path is used, but do not use the same IBM ADI installation path if ADI has been previously installed.
    • When using the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.9 installer, do not use the same installation path to install a newer version of ADI over an existing version of ADI. Installing a higher level of ADI directly over an existing instance of ADI can cause problems when trying to migrate ADI configuration information and data to a newer level. For more information, see the Migrating from a previous release section, in the ADI documentation.
    • On the IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard page, clear the Open IBM Application Discovery Upgrade Wizard checkbox.
  2. Once the upgrade to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 is finalized, make sure to configure the following services:
    1. IBM AD File Service

      Prior to IBM AD V5.1.0.3, the sources and the project folders need to be shared.

      Starting with IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD File Service was introduced and in the context of the authorization/authentication, the access rights of users or users' groups are mapped to a certain folder with the source files that are on the same machine with IBM AD File Service or not. Once authenticated and authorized, the user can start the analysis on the source files as long as the user has read access rights.

      If you still want to use the existing projects, you need to add the path to the shared sources folders that were used during the project creation, when configuring IBM AD File Service. In this way, you are still able to access the sources from another machine. This path needs to be added in the conf.yaml file, in the mapping section, where the remote parameter is present.

      • If the authorization/authentication feature is not used, for the new projects you need to have a shared folder to access those files from another machine. For more information on how to configure IBM AD File Service without authentication, see STEP 4. Configuring IBM AD File Service.
      • If the authorization/authentication feature is used, for the new projects it is not necessary to have a shared folder. For more information on how to configure IBM AD File Service with authentication, see STEP 5. Configuring IBM AD File Service.
    2. IBM AD Search Service

      Prior to IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD Batch Server was generating, through the index component, the indexed data for the resources of a project into a path set in the project.properties file. In IBM AD Analyze Client a search in resources was directly performed by using Search in Files analysis.

      Starting with IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD Search Service is responsible with the access to the indexed data. Whether the authorization/authentication feature is used or not, the folder path in which the indexes are generated needs to be accessible both for IBM AD Batch Server and IBM AD Search Service. The path where the index data is generated needs to be added in the conf.yaml file, where the indexPath parameter is present. This path can be found under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\conf\project.properties, where the index.indexFolder parameter is present.

      The path to the source folders that are added to the project or any additional folder that needs to be indexed (apart from the project folders), needs to be added in the conf.yaml file of IBM AD File Service, where the mapping section is present. The path to the additional folder can be found under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\conf\project.properties, where the index.extraSources parameter is present.
      • Make sure that IBM AD Search Service and IBM AD File Service are started as Search in Files analysis depends on them. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Search Service without authentication, see STEP 7. Configuring IBM AD Search Service.
      • If the authorization/authentication feature is used, the user that is logged in IBM AD Analyze Client needs to have read access rights to see the content of the files where the search pattern appears. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Search Service with authentication, see STEP 9. Configuring IBM AD Search Service.
    3. IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service

      Prior IBM AD V5.1.0.3, the dynamic call resolutions were stored and managed by using files located in the .resolutions folder under each project's path.

      Starting with IBM AD V5.1.0.3, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service manages these files, so the path where these files are generated is separated from project's path and needs to be accessible only for IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service. This path where the journal files are generated needs to be added in the conf.yaml file, where the projectPath parameter is present. Once a project is imported, a folder with the same name is generated in that path and hosts all the files that are needed to manage dynamic call resolutions. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, see STEP 5. Configuring IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service (without authentication) or STEP 6. Configuring IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service (with authentication).
      Note: Make sure that IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service is started as the import process depends on it.

      To preserve the journal files that were used in the previous versions, the moveResolutions.ps1 script allows you to automatically move the journal files from a previous location to a new destination, where for each project, a folder that contains the journal files is created.

      To run the moveResolutions.ps1 script, perform the following steps:
      1. Go to the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Manual Resolutions Service folder and locate the moveResolutions.ps1 script.
      2. Run the moveResolutions.ps1 script by using Windows PowerShell.
      3. Set the source parameter, which represents the path where the IBM AD Build Client projects were created. The default path is found in IBM AD Configuration Server at the following location: Home Page > "YourConfigurationServer:Port" > > Install Configurations > IBM Application Discovery Build Client > Default projects path.
      4. Set the destination parameter, which represents the path for the files that are moved on.
      5. As a result, all the journal files are moved in the newly set location.
    4. IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service - is a mandatory service that needs to be configured to authorize the access to the AD projects. The list of projects is not cached at the restart of the IBM AD Analyze Client and it is necessary to use the Get project list contextual-menu option each time when IBM AD Analyze Client starts. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, see STEP 6. Configuring IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service (without authentication) or STEP 7. Configuring IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service (with authentication).
    5. IBM AD Cross Applications Service - is an additional service that needs to be configured to show calls between different mainframe projects that have their databases on the same DB instance. For more information on how to configure IBM AD Cross Applications Service, see STEP 9. Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service (without authentication) or STEP 10. Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service (with authentication).
  3. If IBM AD BRD or IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled then redo all the customization of the server.xml file. You can use the backed-up <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\backup\server.xml file as reference when you perform the customization under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\server.xml folder.
    1. If IBM AD BRD was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="brd-ws" id="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi" location="com.ibm.ad.brd.restapi.war" name="ad-brd">
              <classloader privateLibraryRef="config.brd-ws"/>
    2. Copy and overwrite the backed-up conf.brd-ws folder into <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server folder.
    3. If IBM AD Catalog was previously enabled, remove the <!-- --> comment around its <webApplication> element.
      <webApplication contextRoot="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" id="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog" location="com.ibm.etools.ad.catalog.war" name="ad-catalog">
                  <security-role name="ADCatalogUser">
                      <user name="catalog"/>
    4. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog database connection details within the server.xml file.
      <!-- Add the Catalog database connection details -->
          <dataSource id="ADCatRDB" jndiName="jdbc/ad/catalog/relational" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
              <jdbcDriver javax.sql.DataSource="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" libraryRef="JTDSLib"/>
              <properties databaseName="##catalogdb##" password="##catalogsqlpasswd##" portNumber="##catalogsqlport##" serverName="##catalogsqlserver##" ssl="request" user="##catalogsqluser##"/>
      Important: The password that is used to connect to the SQL database can be encrypted. The securityUtility command supports plain text encryption for Liberty. For more information, see securityUtility command.
    5. Reconfigure the IBM AD Catalog basic registry details within the server.xml file.
              <user name="catalog" password="catalog"/>
              <group name="ADCatalogUser">
                  <member name="catalog"/>
    6. Update the port value in the httpPort field, present in the <httpEndpoint> section of the server.xml file, with the port value that was previously used for IBM AD Audit and IBM AD Catalog web services in your backed-up server.xml file.
      <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="ENTER_THE_PREVIOUSLY_USED_PORT_VALUE" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" />
    7. Remove the following config line from the server.xml file:
      <config updateTrigger="disabled"/>
    8. Redo any other customization you had performed in your backed-up server.xml file.
    9. Save and close the server.xml file.
  4. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/, open the conf.yaml, and add the following information:
    Note: If the conf.yaml for IBM AD File Service is missing from the /conf/ folder, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder.
    # Encoding specifies the encoding used in the source files
    # Must use IANA standard names
    encoding: windows-1252
    The default value of the encoding that is used in the source files is Windows-1252. If necessary, the encoding can be changed. For more information, see https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
  5. Check if all configuration files for IBM AD Search Service and IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service are present in the /conf/ folder for each service's installation folder. If any of the conf.yaml files are missing, copy the backed-up conf.yaml file into the /conf/ folder of the target service.
  6. Check if all configurations files are present in the /conf/ folder of IBM AD Batch Server. If these files are missing, copy the backed-up files into the /conf/ folder.
  7. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service, and IBM AD Search Service to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol.
  8. In case that you had previously configured IBM AD Batch Server to use a secured communication, it is highly recommended to configure OrientDB SSL. For more information, see step 2 in Configuring IBM AD Batch Server.
  9. Access IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service from Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin and perform the following actions:
    1. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Database Names, and update the database names, especially for Audit Database, and click Save. After the save action finishes, do not restart any services as suggested on the page.
      Note: By default, the Audit database name EZ#AUDIT (for SQL server) or EZAUDIT (for Db2 for z/OS server) is displayed. If Audit Service was previously configured, enter Audit Database name that is present in the backed-up server.xml file. If Audit Service wasn't previously configured, you can use the default name.
    2. Go to the Configure tab, click the edit button of the target environment, change the status from Inactive to Active, and click Save.
      Note: Wait until the process is finished. This process can take a few minutes to complete.
    3. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your target environment and make sure that all port numbers are available in the Ports area. If a port number is missing, you can enter it manually. For more information, see Modify the General and Port Settings.
    4. Go to the Dashboard tab and make sure that all IBM AD Services are up and running. If necessary, click the menu button of the target service, and select Restart Service.
    5. Go to Configure > Environments. Click on your "target environment" name, go to Servers > Graph Database Server, reset the password, and click Save
    6. Go to the Dashboard tab, click the menu button of Cross Applications Service and Audit Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the services are restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  10. To upgrade IBM AD Connect for Mainframe to the latest level, apply the PTF to your SMP/E CSI for IBM AD, and stop / start the Connect for Mainframe task. For more information, see:
    • README.txt - contains a summary of the package contents and steps that need to be performed.
    • HALT510.UI72837.install.html - contains the detailed installation instructions for the PTF.
  11. Upgrade IBM AD Analyze Client that is currently installed into an Eclipse package or IBM IDz to the latest level as follows:
    1. Install the latest version of IBM AD Analyze Client, which is delivered through the IBM AD V5.1.0.9 installer. For more information, see Installing IBM AD Analyze Client.
    2. Configure IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD Analyze Client.
Note: Once the latest version of IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence is installed and fully configured, you need to:
  1. Mandatory, upgrade the repository for each project by using either IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration.
  2. Mandatory, perform a full Build of each IBM AD project.

Instructions for upgrading the repository can be found at Upgrade a Repository.

Instructions for performing a full Build of the project can be found at Building Projects.