STEP 4. Configuring Authentication Server (DEX)

The current implementation of the Authentication and Authorization feature, is based on OAuth2 authorization framework, and needs to have available an Authentication Server (DEX). The next configurations are made in the context of using the Authentication Server (DEX), which is provided in the IBM® ADDI installer.
Note: These configurations are only made if the authentication of the users, who have access to the resources, is used.
The provided Authentication Server is based on DEX and provides an authentication solution, which connects through LDAP to Secure Storage. For more information about DEX, go to the DEX documentation.
Note: DEX can be replaced by any other Authentication Server that supports the OAuth2 protocol.

1. Configure the parameters that are present in the dex.yaml file

On the machine where Authentication Server is installed, go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/Authentication Server (DEX)/sample-conf/ and copy the dex.yaml file to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/Authentication Server (DEX)/conf/. Open the dex.yaml file by using a text editor and enter the desired values for the properties that are detailed below.
Note: The parameters are represented in YAML as mappings that consist of a parameter key and the value that is associated to that key. The format of the mapping is the parameter key represented by a string, which is terminated by a trailing colon that is followed by a space. The value for that parameter key is represented by a string that follows the key's colon and space. Example:
my_parameter: my_value
  1. Set the issuer parameter as follows.
    1. If the communication to and from DEX is done through https, the issuer parameter has the following format:
      Note: This step implies the use of certificates. If you want to set the communication to be secured, make sure that a certificate authority issues a signed certificate (.crt) and a private key for the certificate (.key).
      https://<machine name where DEX is installed>.<machine domain>:<port>/dex
    2. If the communication to and from DEX is done through http, the issuer parameter has the following format:
      http://<machine name where DEX is installed>.<machine domain>:<port>/dex
  2. The next section can be configured as follows:
    1. If the communication to and from DEX is done through https, generate the TLS certificates for Authentication Server (DEX) and add the paths for the certificate(.crt) and the key(.key) files in the TLSCert and TLSKey fields. The default port is 7600.
        type: sqlite3
          file: dex.db
        theme: addi
        TLSCert: C:\certs\dex.crt
        TLSKey: C:\certs\dex.key
    2. If the communication to and from DEX is done through http, comment the TLSCert and TLSKey fields.
        type: sqlite3
          file: dex.db
        theme: addi
  3. The skipApprovalScreen parameter can be set to true or false. The true value offers the possibility to skip the "Grant access screen" after the user logs in.
      skipApprovalScreen: true
  4. The connectors section can be configured as follows:
    1. Set the host parameter, including the default port 389 or 636.
      The host parameter has the following format:
      host: << IP:PORT >>
    2. The InsecureNoSSL parameter can be set as follows:
      • If the host parameter was set using the default port 389, set the InsecureNoSSL to true.
        insecureNoSSL: true
      • If the host parameter was set using the default port 636, set the InsecureNoSSL to false.
        insecureNoSSL: false
    3. Set the bindDN parameter by adding the account that has the rights for the LDAP bind action.
      Note: To add the account that has rights for LDAP bind action run adsiedit.msc on the Active Directory machine and load the current domain. Right click on CN=Users and CN=Administrator, select Properties and search for distinguishedName attribute. For more information, see ADSI Edit (adsiedit.msc).
      # This would normally be a read-only user.
          bindDN: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ferdinand2,DC=com
    4. Set the bindPW parameter by adding the account's password that has the rights for the LDAP bind action.
      bindPW: password
    5. Do not modify the value of the usernamePrompt parameter.
      usernamePrompt: email address
  5. Under the userSearch section, only modify the value of the baseDN parameter:
    Note: The baseDN parameter contains the base location of all User Accounts.
          baseDN: dc=ferdinand2,dc=com
          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
          username: userPrincipalName
          # "DN" (case sensitive) is a special attribute name. It indicates that
          # this value should be taken from the entity's DN not an attribute on
          # the entity.
          idAttr: DN
          emailAttr: userPrincipalName
          nameAttr: cn
  6. Under the groupSearch section, only modify the value of the baseDN parameter:
    Note: The baseDN parameter contains the base distinguished name of the groups in LDAP registry.
          baseDN: cn=Users,dc=alpaca,dc=com
          filter: "(objectClass=group)"
          # A user is a member of a group when their DN matches
          # the value of a "member" attribute on the group entity.
          userAttr: DN
          groupAttr: member
          # The group name should be the "cn" value.
          nameAttr: cn
  7. The StaticClients section, can be configured as follows:
    - id: analyze-client
      - ''
      name: 'AD Client'
      secret: 38fcbc1a-3a65-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93
    • id is the generic name that is given for IBM AD Analyze Client.
    • redirectURLs takes as value the localhost IP and a generic port that is used for callback to Authentication Server (DEX).
    • name takes as value AD Client.
    • secret is a secret that is shared among application.
Configuration Examples:
  • When the communication to and from DEX is done through https the dex.yaml file is configured as follows:
      type: sqlite3
        file: dex.db
      theme: addi
      TLSCert: C:\certs\dex.crt
      TLSKey: C:\certs\dex.key
      skipApprovalScreen: true
    - type: ldap
      name: ADLDAP
      id: ldap
        # No TLS for this setup.
        insecureNoSSL: false
        # This would normally be a read-only user.
        bindDN: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ferdinand2,DC=com
        bindPW: Admin15_
        usernamePrompt: email address
          baseDN: dc=ferdinand2,dc=com
          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
          username: userPrincipalName
          # "DN" (case sensitive) is a special attribute name. It indicates that
          # this value should be taken from the entity's DN not an attribute on
          # the entity.
          idAttr: DN
          emailAttr: userPrincipalName
          nameAttr: cn
          baseDN: dc=ferdinand2,dc=com
          filter: "(objectClass=group)"
          # A user is a member of a group when their DN matches
          # the value of a "member" attribute on the group entity.
          userAttr: DN
          groupAttr: member
          # The group name should be the "cn" value.
          nameAttr: cn
    - id: analyze-client
      - ''
      name: 'AD Client'
      secret: 38fcbc1a-3a65-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93
  • When the communication to and from DEX is done through http the dex.yaml file is configured as follows:
      type: sqlite3
        file: dex.db
      theme: addi
      skipApprovalScreen: true
    - type: ldap
      name: ADLDAP
      id: ldap
        # No TLS for this setup.
        insecureNoSSL: true
        # This would normally be a read-only user.
        bindDN: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ferdinand2,DC=com
        bindPW: Admin15_
        usernamePrompt: email address
          baseDN: dc=ferdinand2,dc=com
          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
          username: userPrincipalName
          # "DN" (case sensitive) is a special attribute name. It indicates that
          # this value should be taken from the entity's DN not an attribute on
          # the entity.
          idAttr: DN
          emailAttr: userPrincipalName
          nameAttr: cn
          baseDN: dc=ferdinand2,dc=com
          filter: "(objectClass=group)"
          # A user is a member of a group when their DN matches
          # the value of a "member" attribute on the group entity.
          userAttr: DN
          groupAttr: member
          # The group name should be the "cn" value.
          nameAttr: cn
    - id: analyze-client
      - ''
      name: 'AD Client'
      secret: 38fcbc1a-3a65-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93

2. Make Authentication Server (DEX) available in IBM AD Configuration Server

The authentication process is conducted through DEX or through any other Authentication Server that supports the OAuth2 protocol. Authentication Server (DEX), which is delivered through the IBM ADDI installer, is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect and it is used in the following configurations.

Go to IBM AD Configuration Server and make Authentication Server (DEX) available for the other IBM AD components as follows:

  1. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Servers > Authentication Server (DEX). The Authentication Server (DEX) settings page is displayed.
  2. Enter the following information:
    Application ID
    Expects the generic name that is given for IBM AD Analyze Client.
    Expects a secret that is shared between Authentication Server (DEX) and IBM AD Analyze Client.
    Callback URL
    Expects a URL composed by localhost IP and a generic port that is used for callback to Authentication Server (DEX).
    Timeout (in seconds)
    Expects the time for the client to respond.
    Authentication server host
    Expects the authentication server host that is used by Authentication Server (DEX).
    Authentication discovery path
    Expects the authentication discovery path that is used by Authentication Server (DEX).
  3. If you want to use Authentication Server (DEX), make sure that the Enable Authentication check box is selected.
  4. Click Save.

3. Restart Authentication Server (DEX)

Once the configuration is done, go to the Dashboard tab, in IBM® AD Configuration Server, click the menu button of Authentication Server (DEX), and select Restart Service.
Note: Wait until the service is restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.

If the service does not start, check the dex.log file under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/Authentication Server/ folder.