STEP 2. AD Configuration Server: Configurations for AD Build Client

About this task

IBM Application Discovery Configuration Server ensures that the installation parameters are consistent throughout the different components of IBM Application Discovery by storing them in a central location, in a scalable, and fail-safe manner.

IBM Application Discovery Configuration Server additionally allows the system administrator to manage the shared resources publishing and to coordinate the access to the shared resources by creating workspaces and user groups.


  1. Start IBM Application Discovery Configuration Server, by selecting Start > All Programs > IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin.
  2. Create an environment, in IBM Application Discovery Configuration Server main page, by selecting the localhost server. From the available options, select Environments then click Add Environment. Enter a name and a description for the new environment then click Save. Select the newly defined environment. A Default workspace is automatically created for the new environment and is attached to it. Also, a Default blank configuration is automatically created and attached to the new environment.
    Note: The environment ID will be later used in AD Batch Server and AD Analyze Client configurations.
  3. Go to localhost:2181 > Install Configurations > IBM Application Discovery Build Client and configure the following parameters.
    1. Default Project path: A default path where all AD Build Client projects are stored. This must be a shared path(with read/write access rights) so that it can be accessed by any AD Build, Analyze Clients and AD Batch Server. This default path can be changed while creating a Project in AD Build Client.
    2. zOS configuration folder: A default path where the zOS Connections are stored. This must be a shared path with read/write access rights so that it can be accessed by any AD Build Client / AD Build Configuration Administration tool.
    3. Path for the retrieved members: A default path where all the members downloaded from a Mainframe system, are stored. This must be a shared path (with read/write access rights) so that it can be accessed by any AD Build, Analyze Clients and AD Batch Server.
      Note: For the situation when AD Build Client, AD Analyze and AD Batch Server are on the same machine as these paths,and no other external AD Build / Analyze Clients are to be installed, this path can be a local one with read/write access rights.
  4. To add a relational database server, in IBM Application Discovery Configuration Server main page, from the available servers, select the localhost server where you defined your environment. From the available options, select Environments > your Environment then click Relational database servers. Click Add relational database server and enter the following parameters:
    • Name: Enter a name for the relational database server.
    • Host: IP or name of the computer where the relational database server is installed.
    • Port: The relational database server port. The default port for SQL Server is 1433.
    • Instance/Location: The relational database server instance name (if exists).
    • Username/Password: User name and password for the IBM® Application Discovery SQL Identity as defined in Microsoft SQL Server Configurations, or for the DB2® for z/OS® instance.
  5. At this point, you can create new projects in AD Build Client.
    Note: For more information on how to create new projects, please refer to IBM Application Discovery Build User Guide.
    Note: In order to activate your IBM AD Build Client copy, follow the procedure described in Activating Your IBM Application Discovery.