Installing the Oracle 11gR2 32-bit Instant Client

For 32-bit applications to work on the servers, Oracle has released 32-bit Instant Client software. Download the Instant Client software by following these steps.

This procedure contains steps for Linux, AIX®, and Solaris.

Note: After installing Oracle11gR2 Enterprise Edition, the 32-bit libraries usually created in $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 are not created. For Oracle11g and beyond, Oracle does not create $ORACLE_HOME/lib32. The 32-bit libraries are required. Create the directory before installing Rational® Synergy.



  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Downloads at the top of the page and select Instant Client (in the Database category).
  3. In the list of platforms, click Instant Client for Linux x86.
  4. You are given the choice to accept or decline the license agreement.
  5. Scroll down the list of versions to Version and click If you are not logged in, you are prompted to sign in to Oracle before downloading the file.
  6. As the oracle user or the user who installed Oracle 11gR2 software, uncompress the packages into $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 .
  7. Continue with the Rational Synergy installation.



  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Downloads at the top of the page and select Instant Client (in the Database category).
  3. In the list of platforms, click Instant Client for AIX5L (32-bit).
  4. You are given the choice to accept or decline the license agreement.
  5. Scroll down the list of versions to Version and click If you are not logged in, you are prompted to sign in to Oracle before downloading the file.
  6. As the oracle user or the user who installed Oracle 11gR2 software, uncompress the packages into $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 .
  7. Continue with the Rational Synergy installation.



  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Downloads at the top of the page and select Instant Client (in the Database category).
  3. In the list of platforms, click Instant Client for Solaris Operating System (SPARC) (32-bit).
  4. You are given the choice to accept or decline the license agreement.
  5. Scroll down the list of versions to Version and click If you are not logged in, you are prompted to sign in to Oracle before downloading the file.
  6. As the oracle user or the user who installed Oracle 11gR2 software, uncompress the packages into $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 .
  7. Continue with the Rational Synergy installation.
