data_sync command

The data_sync command provides options to synchronize the access catalog related data, access catalog items for the IBM® Security Identity Manager Service Center.

It synchronizes data, access catalog items between the LDAP server and the IBM Security Identity Manager database. The synchronized data is used to search an existing access catalog and to perform various access related operations in IBM Security Identity Manager Service Center.



isimvasvr > isim
isimvasvr: isim > utilities
isimvasvr: utilities > data_sync
isimvasvr: data_sync > 


Sync options

Specify this option when you have existing access related data and data_sync is not executed till now.

Select this option to resynchronize data when the connection to the database is lost during a data transaction.

Examples of loss can occur because of network failure, WebSphere® Application Server failure, or an unavailable database.

Data types

Default configuration data such as group profiles, organization, service (ISIM service), provisioning policy, and global settings.
Access catalog data such as role access, group access, service, and provisioning policy.
Data that is described by ConfigData , AccessCatalog values.


Synchronize all access catalog and configuration data for the IBM Security Identity Manager Service Center.

At the isimvasrv: utilities prompt, enter data_sync.

Sync options: 
1: Upgrade 
2: Maintenance 
Enter index: 1 
Data types: 
1: ConfigData 
2: AccessCatalog 
3: ALL 
Enter index: 
Running data synchronization utility. Data synchronization was successful.