Scenario: Using Watson Care Manager in a specialty court

In this scenario, we walk through how a care team that is working in a specialty court can use Watson™ Care Manager to manage an individual's care journey through a drug court program. We meet a multidisciplinary team working in the court and using Watson Care Manager to collaborate and manage their clients' care. The team that includes the following people and roles, a court intake officer who is called Carrie Smith, a Health Clinician called Susan Jones, a community college counselor called Jason Tucker, a Probation Officer called James Watson, and heading up our care team, Judge John Matthews.

Before you begin

As you follow the work flow, you can review the detailed how-to instructions for each step in the links. When you have reviewed the detailed instructions, return to this topic to carry on with the work flow.

Step 1: Identifying that an individual is suitable for the drug court program

Mark Miller is an individual living in the specialty court district who has been referred to the justice system for non-violent law violations. Before he is accepted into the drug court program, he must be registered, screened and deemed eligible for treatment and supervision by the court.


  1. When Mark arrives at the drug court, he is immediately registered by Carrie Smith, the intake officer of the court into Watson Care Manager
    1. Registering clients
    2. Carrie takes Mark's photo and uploads it.
  2. So that she can carry out the initial screening of Mark's suitability for the program, Carrie adds herself to Mark's care team.
    1. Adding care team members individually
  3. So that Mark understands the court process, what is expected of him, and consents to participation, Carrie explains the Drug Court program to him. Mark agrees to participate. Carrie records Mark's consent in Watson Care Manager.
    1. Capturing client consent
  4. Carrie now assigns Mark into the Drug Court program. To determine his eligibility, she runs the Screening module of the program. This consists of completing a background questionnaire. As Mark is eligible for the program, Carrie then enrolls him into the program.
    1. Assigning programs to clients
    2. Running a questionnaire
    3. Enrolling clients in programs
  5. Carrie adds more team members to Mark's care team, she adds Susan, James, and Judge Matthews.
  6. Carrie makes an appointment for Mark to see Susan for an assessment of his needs and so that Susan can create an appropriate care plan for him. To do this, she creates a task and assigns it to Susan.

Step 2: Creating a care plan for Mark

Susan, the Health Clinician, steps in at this point. She reviews Mark's initial screening information so that she understands Mark's background. Then, she conducts drug, alcohol, and mental health questionnaires and assessments. She creates a care plan for Mark and assigns him some goals to achieve as well as some actions to help him achieve his goals. As Mark is attending community college and will need community support to achieve his goals, Susan registers Jason Tucker, a counselor in the college as care team member.


  1. When Susan signs in to Watson Care Manager, she sees the appointment with Mark in her calendar on his Care Manager Workspace (the Watson Care Manager home page).
  2. Before she meets Mark, Susan needs to understand Mark's background and the context of his offenses, so she reviews Mark's screening data.
    1. Reviewing the client's summary
  3. When Mark arrives for his appointment, Susan runs some assessments and questionnaires and records Mark's responses.
    1. Running a questionnaire
    2. Running an assessment
  4. Susan creates a note to capture her notes about Mark. During the meeting, Susan creates a care plan for Mark. She sets him a goal to be drug free. She assigns him the action to attend counseling sessions and group meetings to help him achieve his goal. Susan has seen from Mark's background questionnaire that Mark's family have no car, so she records a transport barrier on the care plan. To overcome the barrier, Susan uses the maps feature of Watson Care Manager services to help Mark secure counseling sessions at a counseling location near a bus stop.
    1. Adding notes
    2. Creating care plans
    3. Adding client actions to plans
    4. Planning for clients' barriers
  5. At the end of their meeting, Susan makes an appointment for Mark to come back for an assessment in a few weeks. To do this, she creates a client action for Mark of type appointment. She can then see the appointment in her calendar on the Care Manager Workspace.
    1. Adding client actions to plans
    2. Viewing clients with appointments
  6. After the meeting, Susan registers Mark's community college counselor, Jason Tucker, as a member of the care team. She does this because Mark is going to need ongoing support from his community to stay drug free. As a registered care team member, Jason will contribute to Mark's care but will not have access to Watson Care Manager. Susan calls Jason to discuss Mark's case and the supports he will need from the college community. Susan records this phone conversation as a touchpoint.
    1. Registering care team members for a specific client
    2. Adding touchpoints
  7. Next, Mark's entire care team, including Judge Matthews meet to review his case. The team can view Mark's information, the planned goals and actions on the care plan. Each team member can capture their own notes or create their own tasks and actions. For example, James the probation officer is responsible for monitoring Mark's drug tests, so he can create actions on the care plan to track the drug testing activity, or Judge Matthews might take notes on the team's impression of Mark's willingness to change and the barriers he faces. Remember, notes can be shared with the team or kept private to the team member who created it.
    1. Reviewing the client's summary
    2. Planning care team actions
    3. Capturing notes

Step 3: Ongoing care of the client

While Mark works to achieve his goals, the team monitor his progress and track it in Watson Care Manager.


  1. While Mark is in the completing his assigned program, he is subject to random drug tests, James captures the results in Watson Care Manager.
    1. Adding client data
  2. As Mark comes towards the end of the program, Susan the health clinician receives a report on his progress. So that all the team can view the report, she uploads the file to Watson Care Manager.
    1. Capturing client documents
  3. If Mark does not progress well, the team can intervene. Any interventions that are taken to get him back on track with his program are recorded in Watson Care Manager as a touch point.
    1. Adding touchpoints

Step 4: Assessment and multidisciplinary team review of the client

As Mark completes his court attendances, the team meet to review Mark's progress. They use the Notes Highlights feature of Watson Care Manager to quickly see the notes and observations about Mark that are most relevant to people with their role. Each team member captures their own notes. Mark has made good progress and is expected to complete the program and so he is given a court date.


  1. Mark is invited to a meeting with Susan to discuss his progress. Before he arrives Susan reviews his notes and reports.
    1. Reviewing the client's summary
    2. Reviewing the client's summary
      Note: Notes® Highlights are not available in trial versions of Watson Care Manager.
  2. Mark's progress is assessed by Susan by using the assessments in Watson Care Manager.
    1. Running an assessment
  3. Once again Mark's entire care team, including Judge Matthews meet to review his case. The team can view Mark's information, his progress towards the planned goals, and the actions completed and outstanding on the care plan. Each team member can capture their own notes or create their own tasks and actions. Remember, notes can be shared with the team or kept private to the team member who created it.
    1. Reviewing the client's summary
    2. Planning care team actions
    3. Capturing notes

Step 5: Court appearances

Before the court appearance, Judge Matthews reviews Mark's progress. During the appearance, Judge Matthews can discuss Mark's progress with him and refer to Mark's summary view for a quick reminder of key points. If the Judge wants to see more information on any of the items on Mark's summary pages, he can click the item to quickly see the details.


  1. Before the judge enters court, he reviews the list of individuals that are scheduled to be in court that day from the calendar on the Care Manager Workspace.
  2. During Mark's appearance, Judge Matthews can refer quickly to Mark's summary to remind him of key points about Mark's progress.
    1. Reviewing the client's summary

Step 6: Program graduation and maintenance

As Mark has successfully completed the drug court program, Judge Matthews updates his notes and graduates Mark from the program.


  1. After Mark's court appearance, Judge Matthews updates his notes.
    1. Capturing notes
  2. As Mark has been successful in achieving his goal of being drug free, Judge Matthews can graduate him from the program.
    1. Modifying program status details
  3. Finally, as Mark's care is no longer being actively managed by the court, he can be set to inactive in Watson Care Manager.
    1. Deactivating clients