Configuring data access groups

You can give a group of users access to a group of clients. Maintain data access groups and users in the group. Depending on the business needs of your organization, a group can contain both clients who are automatically added to the group and clients who you manually add to the group.

About this task

You can give a group of users access to a care team member's clients when none of the users are on the client's care team. For example, you might want to give a group of care professionals who work with a physician access to a client when they are not members of the client's care team.

You might also want to give a certain group of users access to clients when specific data exists on the clients' records. For example, all clients with a Food allergy.

By adding configured data access groups to a group, you can create a hierarchy of groups that reflect your organization structure. This enables users in different parts of your organization to view client information. For example, specific individuals in your organization might need to access all clients whose needs are met by care professionals who work in different departments of your organization.