Managing your organization's profile

You can update your organization's profile. Care team members that use Watson Care Manager can view your organization's profile when they are selecting service providers for clients. Care team members cannot see your identification numbers.


  1. The existing information that is recorded about your organization in Watson Care Manager is displayed on the About tab of the Organization page. To modify or to add more details, update or add a phone number, email address, or website as required. You cannot update your organization name. You cannot edit or add identification numbers. Identification numbers might be your Company number or Charity number.
  2. The existing organization Description is displayed on the About tab of the Organization page. You can update the text description as required.
  3. Optional: For organizations that are operating in the UK if your CQC ID, or Care Quality Commission Provider ID is not already recorded on the About tab of the Organization page, you can enter it. If it was previously recorded and was validated against the CQC records, then you cannot edit it.
  4. The existing addresses that are recorded for your organization are listed on the Location tab of the Organization page. You can manage your addresses as follows,
    Option Description
    Update an address You can modify the details of an existing address, for example, you can set it to be the Primary address for the organization or you can correct any errors in how it was recorded. Edit the address manually or by searching for it. If the map location displayed is incorrect, you can drag the pin to the correct location. Only your primary address appears on your organization's profile.
    Delete an address You can delete an existing address, for example, if your organization no longer operates from the address.
    Add an address You can add an address for your organization. Enter the address manually or by searching for it. If the map location displayed is incorrect, you can drag the pin to the correct location.
  5. Your existing organization contacts are listed on the Contacts tab of the Organization page. You can manage your contacts as follows:
    Option Description
    Update an existing contact You can modify the contact details of an existing contact, for example if they have changed role or are working at a different address. You can indicate if a contact is the primary contact for the organization.
    Delete a contact You can delete an existing contact, for example if the person has changed role or has left your organization.
    Add a new contact To add a person as a contact for your organization, click Add contact and enter the person's details and Save.