Managing enquiries

Care team members send enquiries to one or more service providers to solicit services for their clients that meet their clients’ needs and is within their clients’ budgets. You can respond to enquiries from the care team regarding services that your organization provides by either making an offer to provide the service or by declining to make an offer to provide the service. When a care team member receives offers from provider organizations to provide a service, the offers are reviewed and the offer from the most suitable provider to deliver the service is accepted. Unsuccessful offers are rejected.

About this task

A care team member can send one enquiry to multiple service providers. The care team member can receive an offer from all providers that receive the enquiry. Care teams can then select the best offering for the client's needs.

You receive email notifications to tell you that a care team member made an enquiry about your services or if the care team member accepted your offer to provide a service. You can then review the enquiry in the Connect application. The email notification is sent to the email address that is associated with your Connect account. To ensure that emails sent to you are not treated as spam by your email application, add the Watson Care Manager sender email address to your email address book.

So that you have all the information that you need when considering an enquiry, the care team member may attach a file containing supporting information to the enquiry. If the care team member updates the supporting information file, the updated file replaces the original one and an updated supporting information event displays on the enquiry time line. If the supporting information file is removed, the time line displays the date and time that the file was removed.

Viewing enquiries

To track the enquiries that are sent to you by care team members, you can view and filter the Enquiries page.


  1. Open the Enquiries page. To see the enquiries that you want to see, filter your enquiries by selecting one of the following filters:
    • All - displays all enquiries.
    • New - displays all new enquiries.
    • Offer sent- displays all enquiries that you responded to with an offer to provide the service.
    • Offer accepted - displays all of your offers that are accepted by the care team.
    • Offer unsuccessful- displays all of your offers that were not accepted by the care team.
    • Declined - displays all enquiries that you declined to make an offer for.
    • Closed- displays all enquiries that are closed.
  2. Select an enquiry to see its details. Comments from you and the care team about the enquiry display with the options to Offer, Decline, or Request more information. You can open the supporting information file so that you can review the contents.

Requesting additional information about an enquiry

If you need more information about an enquiry, you can add comments to the enquiry that request additional information from the care team. All providers who receive the enquiry can see comments that are entered by the care team member. Only the care team member who made the enquiry can see comments that you make on the enquiry. Other providers that received the enquiry cannot see your comments.


  1. In the Enquiries page, select the enquiry to see its details.
  2. To ask the care team for more information, select Request more information. Enter your request into the comment field and select Request to submit the request.
    Your request is sent to the care team member that sent the enquiry. Your request displays in the details pane of the enquiry. When a care team member responds, you can see the response in enquiry details.

What to do next

You can request further information, make an offer based on the information, or decline the enquiry.

Making an offer

On receiving an enquiry, you can submit an offer to the care team member that outlines the rate at which your organization can deliver the service and when you can start delivering the service.


  1. In the Enquiries page, select the enquiry to see its details.
  2. To make an offer, select Offer and enter the number of units that you can deliver, your rate, the date you can start delivering the service, and an expiry number of weeks, date, or hours for the offer. If you enter custom (hours), 0.5 is the lowest value you can enter which means 30 minutes. Optionally, enter a comment about the offer.


The enquiry updates to a status of Offer made. The offer is sent to the care team member. The care team member can accept or reject your offer. If a care team member accepts your offer, the offer status updates to Offer accepted and you can see the client's name and contact details. If the care team member rejects your offer, the status updates to Offer unsuccessful.

Withdrawing an offer

After you make an offer, you can withdraw the offer at any time before a care team member has accepted or rejected the offer. For example, if you no longer want to provide the service, or if you want to make changes, such as you or the care team members adding more information in comments. After you withdraw an offer, you can submit another offer for the enquiry if needed.

About this task

If you are using budgets, you cannot withdraw an offer after a budget has been submitted for approval.


  1. In the Enquiries page, select the enquiry to see its details.
  2. To withdraw an offer, select Withdraw, enter a withdrawal reason, and click Withdraw offer.


The enquiry reverts to a status of Awaiting offer, and is updated with the details of the person who withdrew the offer, the withdrawal reason, and the date and time of withdrawal.

Editing an offer

You can edit the expiry date on a sent offer so that a care team member can have more time to consider accepting it.

About this task

When a offer is in the status 'Offer Made', you cannot edit any details except the expiry date. To update any other details, contact the care team directly.


  1. In the Enquiries page, select the enquiry to see its details.
  2. To update the expiry date, enter a new expiry date that is on or after today's date and click Save.


The expiry date is updated to the new date. The enquiry page refreshes to display the updated date.

Declining an enquiry

You can decline the enquiry without making an offer if for some reason your organization cannot deliver the service as requested.


  1. In the Enquiries page, select the enquiry to see its details.
  2. To decline the enquiry, select Decline. You can optionally enter a comment that says why you cannot or do not want to make an offer.


The enquiry updates to a status of Declined. The care team member can see that you declined to make an offer and any comments that you made. After you decline an enquiry, you cannot see further care team comments on the enquiry.