Adding care team actions to plans

Assuming that organization units are enabled for your organization, you can add a care team action to a plan and assign the action to either a specific care team member or to a care team role in your organization unit.

Before you begin

You can add a suggested action or add an action from the library, or you can create an action. Actions must be associated with goals, so at least one open goal must be on the plan before you can add a care team action.

About this task

Use existing actions where possible, but if a suitable action does not exist, you can create an action.

Actions that you create are specific to a client and are not available for care team members to add for other clients. You can add an action that was previously added to the plan, if the previous action was completed or the time frame for the actions do not overlap.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. To see your clients, from the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > My Clients, or search for other clients.
  3. Click a client name.
    Their Summary View opens.
  4. Click Plan > Plan.
  5. Add a care team action by selecting one of the following options.
    1. Click the Suggested Activities icon on the Activities bar to see any suggested care team actions. Click the Add icon to add a suggested care team action.
      The add care team action window opens.
    2. Click the Add Activity icon on the Activities bar.
      The activities library search opens. Choose one of the following options:
      • Type a care team action name to find a care team action in the library and click the care team action. The add care team action window opens.
      • Select New Care Team Action. The New Care Team Action window opens.
  6. Complete the following details:
    • Name: You must enter a name for new care team actions only.
    • Source - If configured, you must select one of the configured values that indicate the source of the action.
    • Original Source System - If applicable, you can select one of the configured values to indicate where the action originated.
    • Assign To: Select the care team member to assign the action to.
    • Assign To Role: Select a role from the list of active care team roles that are qualified to complete the action. Only roles that are associated with users in the organization unit are shown.
    • Start Date: An action must have a start date, by default the current date. Enter a start date for the action.
    • Expected End Date: You can enter an end date for the action.
    • Category: You can select an action category for reporting purposes.
    • Associate Goals: An action must be associated with at least one goal. Select one or more goals to associate with the action.
    • Reason: Enter a reason for the action.
  7. Click Save.