Alerts data

Alerts that you are notified about can be manually created and can be received from third-party applications. The table shows the available alerts data, whether the data is mandatory, and the differences in the data when it is manually created or received from third-party applications.

Alert data views

Alerts for a client are shown in the context pane. You can view all alerts for a client by clicking History > Alerts on the client's Summary view. From the Care Manager Workspace, you can see a list of all alerts you were notified about by clicking the Side Navigation Menu, then clicking Alert Notifications.

Note: You can modify open alerts. An alert priority, is read-only when the alert came from an integrated system. If the alert is modified or closed in the integrated system, the corresponding Watson Care Manager alert record is updated. You can comment on alerts and close alerts.
Important: If a role is specified in an alert from a third-party application, all care team members with that role are notified of the alert. If no role is specified, or a role is specified but no care team members fulfill that role, all primary care members for the client are notified. Otherwise, no one is notified of the alert.
The table lists the columns on the My Alerts and the Alerts pages that display alert data.
Column Mandatory When manually created When received from integrated systems

(Displayed only on the My Alerts page)

Yes Displays the name of the client who the alert relates to. As per manually created records.
Name Yes Displays the name of the alert. As per manually created records. The integrated system identifies the alert name by its external system reference.
Priority Yes Displays one of the following default priorities:
  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
As per a manually created alert. Depending on the priority status that was received from the integrated system, displays Critical, High, Medium, or Low.
Source Yes Displays the source of the alert that was selected from a configured list of sources. Displays the source of the alert that was received from the integrated system. The integrated system identifies the source by its external system reference.
Original Source System No Displays the original source system where the alert originated that was selected from a configured list of original source systems. Displays the original source system where the alert originated. The integrated system identifies the source system by its external system reference.
Created Yes

(When received from an integrated system only.)

This column is automatically populated by Watson Care Manager.

Displays the date and time that the alert was created, and the name of the care team member who created the alert.

Displays the date and time that the alert was created in Watson Care Manager.

By default, Watson Care Manager displays the text by System User to indicate that the alert was received from an integrated system.

If your organization configures a different value to be displayed, for example, the name of an individual or organization, that value is displayed.

Closed Yes This column is automatically populated by Watson Care Manager.

Displays the date and time that the alert was closed, and the name of the care team member who closed the alert.

Displays the date and time that the alert was closed in Watson Care Manager.

By default, Watson Care Manager displays the text by System User to indicate that the alert was closed by an integrated system.

If your organization configures a different value to be displayed, for example, the name of an individual or organization, that value is displayed.

Status No

This column is automatically populated by Watson Care Manager. Displays one of the following statuses:
  • Open
  • Closed
Displays one of the following statuses:
  • Open
  • Closed

If Watson Care Manager does not receive a status, this column displays Open.

Comment Yes Displays a comment added by a care team member to the alert. As per manually created records.
Added Yes This column is automatically populated by Watson Care Manager.

Displays the date and time that the comment was added to the alert and the name of the care team member who commented.

Displays the date and time that the comment was received in Watson Care Manager.

By default, Watson Care Manager displays the text by System User to indicate that the comment was received from an integrated system.

If your organization configures a different value to be displayed, for example, the name of an individual or organization, that value is displayed.

Care Team Member No Displays the name of the care team member who was notified of the alert. As per manually created records.
Role No Displays the role of the care team member who was notified of the alert from the configured list of roles. As per manually created records. The integrated system identifies the role by its external system reference

If a role is specified in an alert, all care team members with that role are notified of the alert.

If no role is specified, or a role is specified but no care team members fulfill that role, all primary care members for the client are notified. Otherwise, no one is notified of the alert.