Care Team Workspace

Use the Care Team Workspace to see the work that you need to do today, and access summary information about your clients. Use the side navigation menu to access a full list of your clients, and complete common actions such as registering clients, reviewing referrals, and monitoring tasks.

If you have access to a client's protected health information (PHI), you can click a client name in the cards on the workspace to open the client's Summary View. If you do not have access to a client's PHI, the link to the client's Summary View is not available.

The following cards are displayed.

A calendar view that shows open tasks for active clients, which you can manage from the calendar. You can toggle between a day, week, or month view to see your upcoming tasks. You can see priority tasks for which a completion date and time is set. You can drill down to detailed task information by clicking the name of the task. You can also manage your tasks from the calendar view.
  • For the day view, a Due Tasks pane, rather than the calendar, shows any tasks that you are expected to complete today that have no set times for completion. The red line shows the current time. A Due Actions pane shows any actions that you are expected to complete today.
  • The week view shows the total number of tasks for each day of the week, for example, 10 tasks.
  • The month view shows the total number of tasks for each day of the month.
Work List
A central view of the work that you need to do today for active clients.
Alerts that you were notified about.
Today's Clients
Clients with tasks or actions that are scheduled for today. You can mouse over the client's name to view and link to the detailed task or action information.
Overdue Tasks
Overdue tasks for clients, which are sorted by the longest overdue.
Overdue Actions
Overdue actions for clients, which are sorted by the longest overdue.
Unscheduled tasks for clients.
My Referrals
Clients who are referred to your organization unit for care management and assigned to you by your supervisor. This list is only populated if you fulfill the primary role on the care team, typically a care manager.

Tasks are color coded with navy blue for high priority, yellow for medium priority, green for low priority, and grey for priority not set.

NPS survey

A two-question Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey will pop up in the care team application on the Care Team Workspace. You can complete the survey or close it without completing. Your survey responses help IBM make updates to Watson Care Manager based on the voice of our customer.

Select customers will begin seeing the survey around 1 March 2018, following the February 2018 release. Others will begin seeing the survey later in 2018. The survey is voluntary and displays approximately every 3 months to capture ongoing feedback. For more information, contact your client executive.

NPS is an established industry method for measuring customer satisfaction. IBM aims to satisfy all of our customers and make them promoters. On an NPS scale from 0-10: 0-6 is considered a detractor, 7-8 is neutral, and 9-10 is a promoter.

An example of how the NPS survey appears on your workspace.

an example of the NPS survey