Creating service inquiries

From the shortlist, you can create an inquiry for a service and send the inquiry to multiple providers of the service. By default, all providers in the shortlist are included but you can remove providers before sending. The inquiry is sent to the email addresses that are held for the providers' Connect users. You can include additional information as an attachment to the inquiry so that providers have enough information to assess the offer and respond to it quickly.

About this task

Only one attachment of additional information can be saved per inquiry. Any updates to this file overwrite the file that was previously uploaded.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. To see your clients, from the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > My Clients, or search for other clients.
  3. Click a client name.
    Their Summary View opens.
  4. Choose an option:
    • Select Plan > Plan.
    • Select Plan > Community Resources.
    • Select Plan > Inquiries.
  5. Select the shortlist icon The shortlist icon to open the shortlist.
  6. Select Create Inquiry from a shortlisted service.
  7. Enter the inquiry details.
    • Service: The read-only name of the service.
    • Shortlisted Providers: By default, all shortlisted providers for the service are included. Review the providers and clear the check box for any providers that you want to exclude.
    • Response Required By: You can enter a date by which a response is required.
    • Units Required: Enter the number of units that are needed and select the unit. Decimal values are supported.
    • Frequency: Enter the required frequency for the service.
    • Days: You can select which days of the week the service is required.
    • Expected Start Date: Enter the expected start date, which must be on or after the response required by date.
    • Expected End Date: Enter the expected end date.
    • Supporting Information: Browse for and select a file containing additional information to upload and attach to the inquiry. The maximum file name size is 250 characters and the maximum file size is 2 MB. If your organization or your providers require that the supporting information file is accessible to screen readers, you should take steps to ensure that the file meets this requirement.
    • Comment: You can enter a comment for the inquiry. Do not include any of the client's personal health information (PHI) in the comments.
    So that you are not delayed authorizing payments for services, an information message will let you know if one or more of the selected providers have not completed their PayPal sign up. You can remind them to complete sign up.
  8. Click Send.