Reversing the deletion of a client

Care team members can delete a client from Watson Care Manager for example, if a client requests that their data is removed from the system under data privacy regulations, or if your organization has work flows that require the removal of personal data. If a client was deleted in error or if the client requests that their data be restored, as a supervisor, you can undo the deletion and restore the client to their previous state in the application.

About this task

If organization units are enabled for your organization, and you are the supervisor that is assigned to an organization unit, you can reverse the deletion of clients who meet at least one of the following conditions regardless of whether they are in an inactive or active status:
  • Clients that were deleted by care team members in your organization unit.
  • Deleted clients that were referred to your organization unit.
  • Deleted clients that were registered by a team member in your organization unit.
  • Deleted clients that are currently care managed in your organization unit.
  • Deleted clients for whom your organization has received a referral that is not rejected


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. From the Side Navigation menu, select Clients > Deleted Clients.
    A list of deleted clients displays. Only the first letter of the client's first name and last name displays. In the list of deleted clients, you can identify the user who deleted each client.
  3. Take one of the following actions:
    • For a listed client that you want to restore, from the Actions menu, select Undo Deletion.
    • As a precaution before you reverse a client deletion, find a client who was deleted in the application and verify their identity. Click Search and enter mandatory search criteria and optional search criteria. At a minimum, enter the client's first name and last name in full and their date of birth. You cannot do a partial search. The search results return an exact match of the client by name and date of birth, and additional search criteria, that you specify. When you verify the client's identity in the search results, click Undo Deletion to reverse their deletion in the application.

    The Undo Deletion modal with the client's details displays for your information.

  4. You must specify a reason for reversing the client's deletion. Select a reason for reversing the client's deletion from the list of configured reasons, or enter another reason that is not listed.
    The Other field is limited to 50 characters.


The client and the deleted data, including data from integrated systems is restored to Watson Care Manager and can be viewed and modified as normal. The client status is the same as it was before the client was deleted. The clients History view contains a record of the clients deletion and the reversal. If your organization uses IBM Watson Care Manager Connect Individuals, you can activate the client's Connect Individuals account. If the client's data was shared with third parties before it was deleted, inform the third parties that the client is restored in Watson Care Manager. The deletion reversal and the reason for the reversal is recorded in the audit log.