Flagging observation client data

Observation data comes from integrated systems and is read-only. A client might have many observation records. To make the records easier to find, you can flag and sort observations that you are most interested in.

About this task

When Watson Care Manager receives an observation record from an integrated system, it maps the data to an appropriate data type, typically a Laboratory Test or a Vital type. For example, if Watson Care Manager receives blood pressure data that was classified as a vital in the integrated system, Watson Care Manager creates a Blood Pressure record in the Vitals data category. If the data is not classified in the integrated system, and cannot be mapped by Watson Care Manager, an Observation record is created. An observation might be vitals data, laboratory test data, or other data that could not be mapped to a Watson Care Manager data type.
Note: The observation data that you see matches the data that was received from the external system. In the Description column on the Observation list, you see the observation name and value, if available. If a unit of measurement applies to the observation, the value also includes the unit, if available. For example, for a laboratory test observation record that measures a client's Hemoglobin A1c, you might see a value of 6, 6%, or < 6%, depending on the data that is received from the external system.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. To see your clients, from the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > My Clients, or search for other clients.
  3. Click a client name.
    Their Summary View opens.
  4. Expand the Clinical general category to see the clinical data types.
  5. Click Observations to see the list of the client's observations.
  6. Click the star icon or the current flagged value, if available, for a particular observation record.
    The Flag Observation page opens.
  7. Click Yes to flag the observation.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Optional: You can click the Flagged column to display flagged observations at the top of the Observation list.