Creating Share Care Plan templates

IBM Watson Care Manager comes with a default Share Care Plan template that you cannot edit. You can add new report templates as needed, or you can copy an existing report template as a baseline for a new template. You can configure the library to show or hide specific report templates.

About this task

Care teams use report templates to generate Share Care Plan templates to download and share with others, or to share with external parties (via webhooks integration). If you hide a template that is use in existing integrations, you might cause existing integrations to fail.

You can associate an external system reference with the template that you are creating or copying. When sending a care plan template as an API attribute, the external system identifies the template by its name or by its external system reference.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Care Planning > Share the Care Plan.
    The Templates page opens.
  3. Complete one of the following actions.
    • Create a new template.
      1. Click New. The New Template page opens.
      2. Name the template to a maximum of 100 characters, and provide a description.
      3. From the listed images, select an image to include in the template
      4. In the External System Reference field, enter a unique reference number of up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
      5. To include or exclude the content sections of the template, select or clear each check box. By default, all listed sections are selected.
      6. Optionally, to include or exclude the configured client data types on the template, select or clear each check box. By default, all listed client data types are selected.
      7. Click Save.
    • Copy an existing template as the baseline for a new template.
      1. From the Actions menu of a template, select Copy. The Copy Template page opens.
      2. Rename the template to make it different from the copied template name.
      3. If configured, you can give the template a new external system reference. Enter a unique reference number of up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
      4. Any image or organizational logo that is used in the existing template is displayed. Select another image or organizational logo from the list of available images.
      5. Click Save.
    The Templates page includes the new template.
  4. Use the Show and Hide actions to display the template to the care team or hide it from view. By default, newly-created templates are configured to be hidden.
    • To show the template, from the Actions menu, select Show.
    • To hide the template, from the Actions menu, select Hide.