Editing assessment questions

You can update the questions or information in an assessment, and reorder the sequence in which the questions are displayed. You can use color to emphasize questions or information, and you can provide links to external websites for more information.

Before you begin

It is important to enter the questions in the correct sequence. Questions are displayed in the order that you enter them. You must enter conditional questions directly after the questions that call them. To call conditional questions, you must choose a user-defined answer type. The default answer types cannot be used to call conditional questions.

About this task

You can enter up to 80 questions, and you can use color to highlight the importance of certain questions or information in the assessment.
Important: If your organization interacts with individuals who are visually impaired, do not use color to highlight the importance of the question or information. State the importance of the question or information in the text.

For each question, you can see the answer type and whether the question is optional or conditional. You can expand a question to see more details. For user-defined answer types, the answer options are displayed.

For each question, you can configure up to three hyperlinks to external websites so that a care team can link individuals to supplementary reference information.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Assessments.
    The list of assessments is displayed.
  3. Expand an assessment. The assessment versions are displayed.
  4. Open a draft version.
    • If an In Edit version exists, click the assessment name to open the in-edit version.
    • If no In Edit version exists, select New Version from the assessment Actions menu and accept the default type to create an in-edit version.
    The assessment's Script tab is displayed.
  5. Select Edit in the Actions menu of any row in the Questions section.
    The Edit Question page opens.
    • Modify the question text, and to emphasize a question as important, from the Question Color list, choose the color in which to display the text.
    • Modify the answer type for the question. Available answer types are Check Box, Date, Decimal, Multiple Line Text, Number, Text, Text (No Answer), or user-defined answer types.

      A user-defined answer type consists of the answer options and the display type. The display type defines how the options are displayed, for example, as radio buttons. Only user-defined answer types can be used to call conditional questions.

    • If you selected Prefill Answers when you created the assessment, by default all answers to the assessment questions are prefilled with the most recent responses when care teams repeat the assessment. You can choose to always prefill the answer to this question, never prefill the answer to this question, or choose the assessment configuration. If you choose the assessment configuration, the answer to this question will be prefilled (if previously answered) or not based on the assessment configuration. Your selection is effective the next time care teams repeat the assessment.

    • Optional makes the question optional. Clear the check box to make the question mandatory.
    • Conditional makes the question display only if a client answers in a certain way to a previous question that drives the condition. (You associate a conditional question with a specific question. Go to the Conditions tab to associate the conditional question with a principal question.)
    • Enter information about the question, as needed.
    • From the Information Color list, choose the color in which to display informational text for added emphasis.
    • In each Reference URL field, provide a link to an external website that contains supplementary reference information. Enter the hyperlink in this format: https://www.example.com.

      The hyperlinks that you define to support a question are displayed in plain text and are not clickable. To the care team, the links display as clickable links.

  6. Optional: To reorder the sequence of questions in the assessment, click Reorder Questions.
    The Reorder Questions page opens. Drag and drop the questions to position them in your preferred order.