Editing notes

You can update a client note to change the note subject, note body, note type, and the duration of the client activity, provided the note was manually added. If configured, you can update the current note status and note sharing options for manually added notes. Notes from integrated systems cannot be modified. If the original note record is modified in the integrated system, the corresponding Watson Care Manager record is updated.

Before you begin

With the exception of Private and Private to Role types, note types can be configured to be shared with integrated systems.

About this task

If note types are configured to be editable, you can save a note that you want to return to later as a draft or ready for review version, or as the final version.
  • Draft version - adds the note with a Draft status, which allows you to edit the note.
  • Ready for review version - adds the note with a Ready for review status, which allows you to edit the note to incorporate the review outcome.
  • Final version - adds a note with a Final status, which prevents you further editing the note.
You can add comments to manually added notes and notes that came from integrated systems at any time.

If you have access to sensitive client notes, you can update a note to indicate that it is sensitive or non-sensitive. If you indicate that the note is sensitive, it is only visible to users who are assigned a security role with access to the Sensitive Notes resource.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. To see your clients, from the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > My Clients, or search for other clients.
  3. Click a client name.
    Their Summary View opens.
  4. Click History > Notes.
    The Notes list opens. Starting with the most recent notes, all the notes that are recorded for the client are displayed. To identify a user who created or updated a note, click the tooltip on the user name and review the care team member's profile and contact details, assigned roles, and organization unit (if enabled).
  5. Assuming that the note that you want to update is configured as an editable note type, select the Actions menu of the note, and click Edit. The Edit Note page is displayed.
    1. In the Subject field, enter the note title.
    2. From the Type list, select the category that best describes the nature of the note.
      You can categorize the note by client activity as follows: Access and Continuity, Assessment, Care Management, Care Plan Update, Chart Review, Comprehensive Assessment, Comprehensiveness and Coordination, Educational Information, General, Letters, Population Health, Private, Private to Role, Quality Review, Wellness.
    3. In the Note field, enter the note text.
    4. If you have access to sensitive client notes, click the Sensitive check box to indicate that this note is sensitive. Only users with sensitive notes access for the client can view it.
    5. In the Creation Date field, enter the date of the note.
    6. In the Duration field, enter how many minutes the client activity took to complete.
    7. If configured to display, set these note sharing options:
      1. From the Share list, select Yes. You must select Yes to specify the Share With options.
      2. From the Share With list, select one or more options from the list of configured external systems.
    8. If configured to be shown, select the source of the note (mandatory) and the name of the original source system where the note originated (optional).
    9. If configured to be editable, set the appropriate Save As status for the note: Draft, Ready for review, Final.
      Restriction: You cannot set note types of Private and Private to Role to Ready for Review status because such notes are visible only to the author of the note, or the author and any user with the same care team role who has access to the client's file.
    10. Click Save.
      The Notes list updates to provide context information so that you know the type of note that was captured. For example, the note type is displayed as General if you add a general client note, or as Assessment if you add a note relating to a client's assessment.

      If you edit the note Type or note Status, the History section of the Notes list records the type or status change, and the user who updated the note.

  6. For any note that you want to comment on except for a previously deleted note in a Canceled state, select the Actions menu of the note, and click Comment.
    • Add your comment and click Save. The change history on the Notes list displays the last comment in the comment section of the note, and indicates who added the comment and when.