Creating tasks

Assuming that organization units are enabled for your organization, you can create general tasks or tasks that relate to a client in your organization unit. You can reassign a task to another user or a care team role in your organization unit if you are not best placed to complete it.

About this task

Assign the task to a specific user or to a care team role in a pool of qualified people or qualified roles. You can select a user or a care team role in your organization unit but not both.

A task status is Open when the task is created with a due date that is on or after the current date. A task status is Overdue when the task due date is before the current date. If you change the task due date to a future date, the status of the overdue task changes to Open. Completed tasks with a Closed status cannot be modified.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. From the Side Navigation Menu, select Tasks.
    The Tasks list opens. By default, the Tasks list view shows your Open tasks that are assigned to you alone.
  3. Click New.
    The New Task page opens.
  4. Enter the following task details.
    • Name - Enter a task name.
    • Assign To - By default, the task is assigned to you as the team member who is currently signed into the application. You can reassign the task to another user in the same organization unit.
    • Assign To Role - Select a role from the list of active care team roles in your organization unit that are qualified to complete the task.
    • Category - You can select a task category.
    • Priority - You can select a priority for the task.
    • Due date - You can enter a due date and time.
    • Duration - You can enter a duration in minutes.
    • Client - The name of the client to whom this task relates might be automatically shown. Otherwise, you can search for a client to associate with the task. To protect client information, you must select a client if you want to enter client-specific information in the description.
    • Related Programs - You can select a program to associate with the task.
    • Description - You can enter a description for the task.
  5. Click Save.
    Depending on the information that you entered, the task status in your task list might be Open or Overdue.