Customizing the display of client summary cards for specific care team roles

If the default configuration does not suit the card display for a specific care team role, you can configure a customized display of summary cards for the role. Unless you configure cards to be hidden from view, the care team role can see the client summary cards that you set to display.

About this task

Client summary cards display horizontally across the client's Summary page and wrap the page as required. The default library of client summary cards is as follows: Goals, Actions, Care team, Programs, Assessments, Latest Touchpoint, Latest Note, Conditions, Barriers, Risks, Social Background, Health Background, Personal Background, Notes Highlights, Current Actions, Planned Actions, Latest Private Note and Tags.

By default, each listed care team role inherits the client summary card configuration in the Default Configuration tab. On this page, you can change the default display status of a card so that a card is hidden or displays to care team members with a specific role.

Summary cards are shown on the client's Summary page in the order that they are listed but you can reorder the cards if required.

For most of the cards in the library, you can specify the configured number of client data records that displays on the card on the client's Summary page. A Not Applicable value on cards means that you cannot specify the number of records for the card.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Client Data > Client Summary Cards.
  3. Click the Role-based Configuration tab.
    The list of care team roles that displays on this page refreshes as roles are created, edited, or deleted on the Care Team Roles page.
  4. Click any listed role name hyperlink to view and modify the shown or hidden cards that are configured for that role.
    The home page for the selected care team role opens.
  5. Edit the number of records that displays on a summary card by selecting Edit from the Actions menu of the card. Then, select the number of records to display in the range of 1 to 10.
    You cannot edit these cards: Actions, Latest Note, Latest Touchpoint, Note Highlights, and Latest Private Note.
  6. To hide or show a client summary card to a specific care team role, from the Actions menu of a card, select Hide or Show respectively.
  7. To reorder the sequence of summary cards, click Reorder. Drag and drop the summary cards to position them in your preferred order.