Creating goals

You can create goals for the care team to use in programs and clients' care plans. A goal is a measurable target that a client can complete to move towards successfully completing a program.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Care Planning > Goals.
    Existing goals are displayed.
  3. Click New.
    The New Goal page opens.
  4. Name the goal.
    Tip: Enter a name of 3 characters or more to enable searches for the name.
  5. Complete the following information.
    1. Optional: Select one or more focus areas to associate the goal with.
      Focus areas are specific areas of client behavior or activity that a goal is intended to address, for example, Healthy Coping, Being Active, or Safety.
    2. Description - Enter the goal description.
    3. Optional: In each Reference URL field, provide a link to an external website that contains supplementary reference information. Enter the hyperlink in this format:

      The hyperlinks that you define to support a goal are displayed in plain text and are not clickable. To the care team, the links display as clickable links.

  6. Click Save.