Creating actions

You can create a library of client or care team actions for use by care teams. For actions that are automatically added, you can set a lead time for the start date, and an expected period for the action.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Care Planning > Actions.
    Existing actions are displayed.
  3. Expand an action to see the details of that action.
  4. Click New.
    The New Action page opens.
  5. Enter a name for the action. You must enter 3 characters or more to enable searches for the name.
  6. Complete the following information.
    1. External System Reference- If applicable, associate an external system reference with the action that you are creating so that an integrated system can identify the action when it is sent from Watson Care Manager. Enter a unique reference number of up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
      When sending an action as an API attribute, the external system identifies the action by its external system reference.
    2. Responsibility-
      • Select Client if the individual who is receiving care is to take the action.
      • Select Care Team Member if a care team member is to do the work but the action is unassigned to any member.
      • Select User Creating Action if the care team member who is creating the action is to be assigned the action.
    3. Category - Select a category for the action, for example, Appointment, Education, or Reunification.
    4. Date settings, which are applied to an action only when you automatically add that action to a goal, assessment, or questionnaire.
      • Start date (Days) - Set a lead time for starting an action. Enter the number of days after the action is added to the care plan that you want to set the start date, for example, entering 5 means that the start date of the action is 5 days after the action is added to the care plan. If you do not enter a value or if you enter 0, the start date is the day that the action is added to the care plan.
      • Expected End Date (Days) - Set a expected duration for the action, this is time period in days within which you expect the action to be completed. The expected end date is then calculated by adding the value for Expected End Date (Days) to the start date. If you do not set an expected end date or if you enter 0, there is no expected duration for the action and no due date.
    5. Description - Enter a description for the action.
  7. Optional: In each Reference URL field, provide a link to an external website that contains supplementary reference information. Enter the hyperlink in this format:

    The hyperlinks that you define to support an action are displayed in plain text and are not clickable. To the care team, the links display as clickable links.

  8. Click Save.