Adding care team members individually

You can add an individual care team member who has a required role or skills to a client's care team. If organization units are enabled for your organization, the care team member must belong to your organization unit.

About this task

Search for a care team member to add to the care team by entering some search criteria. Full and partial matches are returned and special characters are supported, for example, you can add a care team member with a last name of O'Neill. However, note that searching for O'Neill will not return O Neill or ONeill in the search results and vice versa.

You can record the specific attributes of their relationship with a client. For example, you can set the frequency of client visits and the physical distance between the care team member and the client.

If your search results do not list the care team member, you can register them in the application.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. To see your clients, from the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > My Clients, or search for other clients.
  3. Click a client name.
    Their Summary View opens.
  4. Click Team > Care Team.
    The Care Team page opens.
  5. Click Add Care Team Member.
    The Add Care Team Member page opens.
  6. Specify a name, role, or skill and click Search.
    • If the care team member is found when you search, the search results indicates whether the team member can access IBM Watson Care Manager. Select the name and click Add Selected to open the next page in the wizard. Record details of the relationship between the care team member and a client.
      1. Add as Primary: Select to associate the care team member with the primary or lead role in a client's care management.
      2. Add as Core: Select to add the care team member to the core care team. Core care team members are considered key to the delivery of an individual's care and typically interact regularly with the individual.
      3. Distance: Enter the distance to the client, in miles or kilometers.
      4. Frequency: Choose from frequency values that represent the number of visits or meetings the care team member has with the client.
    • If the care team member is not found when you search, click Register New to register the user.

      A history of all care team changes is maintained. In the Previous cluster on the Care Team page, you can see the history of care provided by past team members and if needed, you can reinstate those members on the team to keep the client's relationship with the care team they had previously.