Creating types

If a suitable note type does not exist in the library of configured types, you can create a new note type for the care team to use. You can configure options to allow or prevent editing of the note type or note sharing with external systems. You can allow or prevent the team from overriding your configuration.

About this task

You can configure note sharing options for all note types except Private and Private to Role note types.

You can associate an external system reference with the note type that you are configuring so that incoming data from an external API can be mapped to the configured note type in Watson Care Manager.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Care Planning > Notes.
    The tabs in the Notes library contain a list of configurable note types, external systems for note sharing, and delete note reasons. Note types are displayed by default.
  3. Click New.
    The New Note Type page opens.
  4. Enter a unique name that does not duplicate any existing note type in the library.
  5. To allow or prevent editing of the note type by the care team, select or clear the Editable check box.
    By default, a note type is not selected for editing.
  6. In the External System Reference field, enter a unique reference number of up to 20 alphanumeric characters to associate with the note type that you are creating.
    When sending a note type as an API attribute, the external system identifies the note type by its external system reference.
  7. To allow or prevent sharing of notes of this type with external parties, select or clear the Share check box.
    By default, a note type is not selected for sharing.
  8. If you selected to allow note sharing, choose one or more of the configured external parties with whom the care team can share the note type.
  9. To allow or prevent overriding of your note sharing options, select or clear the Share with Override check box.
  10. Click Save to add the type to the library.