Adding touchpoints

You can record a direct touchpoint with a client, or a touchpoint with others about the client.

About this task

If touchpoints are configured to be editable by the care team, you can save a touchpoint that you want to return to later as a draft or ready for review version, or as the final version.

If you have access to sensitive client notes, you can indicate that the note is sensitive to make it visible to you and other users with access to the client’s sensitive notes.

If you create touchpoint and a sensitive note, the shared details, for example, Type, Subject and Duration are common to both notes. You cannot mark a private or private to role note as sensitive.

  • Draft version - adds the touchpoint with a Draft status, which allows you to edit the note.
  • Ready for review version - adds the touchpoint with a Ready for review status, which allows you to edit the note to incorporate the review outcome.
  • Final version - adds a touchpoint with a Final status, which prevents you further editing the touchpoint.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. To see your clients, from the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > My Clients, or search for other clients.
  3. Click a client name.
    Their Summary View opens.
  4. Click the plus-sign icon (+) on the Latest Touchpoint card.
    The New Touchpoint page is displayed.
  5. You can enter the following details about the touchpoint. If you have access to client sensitive notes, you can indicate that the note is sensitive.
    • Sensitive - Select to indicate that this note is sensitive and only users with sensitive notes access for the client can view it.
    • Subject - Enter a subject.
    • Contact With - Select who you contacted in the touchpoint. You can select one or more people.
    • Method - Select the method of communication, such as telephone.
    • Direction - Specify the direction of communication.
    • Outcome - Select whether the contact attempt was successful or unsuccessful.
    • Contact Date - Enter the date of the touchpoint.
    • Duration - You can specify the touchpoint duration in minutes.
    • Programs - You can select relevant programs from any programs that the client is assigned to or enrolled in. The list also displays programs that were completed in the last 30 days.
    • Validated Identity - You can select the check box to indicate that you validated the identity of person that you contacted.
    • Source - If configured, you must select one of the configured values that indicate the source of the touchpoint.
    • Original Source System - If applicable, you can select one of the configured values to indicate where the touchpoint originated.
    • Save As - If configured to be editable, you can set the appropriate status for the touchpoint: Draft, Ready for review, Final.
    • Note - Enter a note. Your note is saved without overwriting prior notes.
    • Click Save.
  6. Select History > Notes to view the latest touchpoint and prior touchpoints.
    The change history on the Notes page indicates who added the touchpoint and when. To identify a user who created or updated a touchpoint, click the tooltip on the user name and review the care team member's profile and contact details, assigned roles, and organization unit (if enabled).