Assigning clients to you or other care team members

Unassigned clients are clients who do not have any care team member assigned to manage their care. Assuming that organization units are enabled for your organization, you can assign clients to you, to or another care team member with the roles, skills, and capacity to manage the client's care, and/or to a predefined group of care team members.

Before you begin

  • The Unassigned Clients page must be configured to display to the care team. Otherwise, you cannot access the page in the application.
  • You cannot assign a client that is already assigned, deactivated, or deleted in the application.
  • You can assign a client to you, another selected care team member, a care team group, or a combination of all three.
Note: If you are not assigned a security role which grants access to the unassigned clients resource, you cannot access the unassigned clients page.

About this task

Care team members can be primary or non-primary. The primary care team member is responsible for the client’s care plan and programs. Non-primary care team members have other care team roles that are associated with users with that specific responsibility, for example, a Physician role. You can assign a client only to an active care team user who has at least one assigned care team role.

The option to select Care Team Groups, is only displayed if one or more care team groups are configured by your administrator.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. From the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > Unassigned Clients.
    The Unassigned Clients page opens.
  3. Review each unassigned client by their name, priority, and date of birth.
    By clicking the filter icon and selecting from the Quick Filters on the page, you can narrow your list view based on specific criteria. For example, you can choose to view only high priority unassigned clients, clients for whom referrals were accepted within the past 30 days, or clients who have open programs or no associated programs. You can further refine your list view as follows.
    1. Optionally click Add Filter to add another filter to the Quick Filters that you already selected. You can further refine your list view by Name, Date of Birth, Priority, Risk Name, or Risk Category. Enter the details for your filter selection. You can add only one new filter to each column.
    2. Click Add to apply the additional filter. You can remove a filter by clicking Clear. The predefined Quick Filters are retained.
    3. Click Apply to apply the filters that you selected. You can remove page filters by clicking Reset.
    The Unassigned Clients list page refreshes to show only the clients who correspond to the filters that you applied. You can further change your filter selection on the list page by checking or clearing the check boxes to suit your needs.
  4. Assign a single client to you, to another a care team member, and/or to a group of care team members. Alternatively, assign up to 25 clients at a time in a bulk assignment. Do one of the following:
    • To assign a single client, click the Actions menu of the client, and click Assign.
    • To process up to 25 client assignments in one step, select more than one individual client or to assign all listed clients, select the checkbox adjacent to the Name column. Click Assign.
  5. In the Assign page, use the following options to assign the client(s) to you, another care team member based on their capacity, roles, and skills, and/or one or more care team groups.
    • Assign to Me
    • Assign Care Team Groups. If configured, you can select to assign the client(s) to one or more care team groups. All members of the selected group(s) are added to each client's care team. Care team groups and their members are predefined by your administrator.
    • Assign to Another User. Review a list of care team members who belong to your organization unit and have at least one assigned role. Based on their current capacity, select a care team member to manage the care of the client(s). You can use the Quick Filters to narrow the list view.
  6. Optionally, by selecting Assign as Primary, you can designate yourself or the selected care team member to be the primary care team member.
  7. If you have more than one assigned care team role (see the Role(s) list), select the role(s) that you do that is relevant to the assignment.
  8. If the selected care team member has more than one assigned care team role (see the Care Team Role(s) list), select the role(s) that they do that is relevant to the assignment.
  9. Click Assign to assign the client(s) to you, the selected care team group(s), and/or the selected care team member in your organization unit.
    When you assign a client, you, a selected care team member, and/or the selected care team group(s) are automatically added to the client's care team.