Delete Batch (ICL)

The delete batch (ICL) request allows the user to remove a batch (ICL) that may have been loaded incorrectly. An example is work that was loaded into the wrong business day. Only loaded inbound batches (ICLs), including rejected inbound batches (ICLs) that are overridable, with all of their batch (ICL) business days active can be deleted. Non-electronic and individual batches (ICLs) cannot be deleted.

The delete batch (ICL) request causes the Transaction Server to:
  • mark the inbound batch (ICL) as deleted
  • alert any applications that may have accessed the batch (ICL) that it is being removed
  • reset the loaded state for that batch (ICL)
After the delete completes successfully, the batch (ICL) is marked as not loaded and its contents are no longer available.

Since processing may have started, or completed, for the inbound batch (ICL), there may be issues that need to be addressed by bank personnel. As an example, partner institutions may need to be notified that the transaction they received as a result of processing this batch (ICL) may be invalid. To aid in problem resolution, during the delete, each application logs messages and results that are used by the Transaction Server user interface to generate a report. Use the batch / ICL details screen to view this report. Refer to Batch or cash letter details for more information about using this screen.

The following sections describe how an inbound batch (ICL) is deleted and the interfaces used to start it.