Extract Each Batch (ICL)

The following scenario gives an example of extracting each batch (ICL) individually by its sort pattern and source.


This example shows how to configure your extraction profile to send each batch (ICL), individually, to CPCS based on its source and sort pattern. This example extracts only those batches (ICLs) that come into the Transaction Server through the Gateway message queue and are assigned any one of the valid sort patterns:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <parameterSet name="basic example">
         <parameter name="processedPath">c:/ITSExtraction/processed</parameter>
         <parameter name="errorPath">c:/ITSExtraction/error</parameter>
         <parameter name="intermediatePath">c:/ITSExtraction/processing</parameter>
         <parameter name="CPCSHost">my.cpcs.host</parameter>
         <parameter name="CPCSPort">1232</parameter>
         <parameter name="autoNotify">true</parameter>

   <profile type="CPCS" name="cpcs (single presentment)"
    parameterSet="basic example">

      <!-- only extract presentments that were loaded        -->
      <!-- via the Gateway through the Gateway message queue -->
      <!-- sources:                                          -->
      <!-- 3 = Gateway message queue                         -->

      <!-- valid list of sort patterns for extraction -->

      <!-- only want those presentments to be extracted when they -->
      <!-- have been successfully loaded.                         -->

      <!-- Extract presentments individually (never grouped) if     -->
      <!-- 1)  Loaded in Transaction Server as the Gateway message queue work. -->
      <!-- 2)  Has sort pattern equal to 108, 205, or 250.          -->
      <aggregationRules type="single presentment"/>