Send test messages

The FTM for Immediate Payments applications include various test messages. These messages can be used to exercise the application through a number of scenarios.

The sample messages can be found in <Installation Directory>/multiplatform/Scheme/, in /FTM IP Scheme App/test_messages/. They all use the same payment and customer references, so message and transaction IDs must be updated after the initial use to avoid duplicate message detection in the application.

Each sample message is annotated with information about usage and intended target queue. To test an outgoing payment, for example, send pacs.008-1.fromDbtr.xml to queue <prefix>.PAYMENT.FROM.CHANNEL.

Use the FTM OAC in order to analyze and verify the processing results, see Using the Operations and Administration Console (OAC)

Note: The MQ support pack IH03 contains utilities that can be used to put messages to MQ. IH03 can be obtained from IBM® Support Portal.