Onboard Configuration eLearning

Onboard Configuration eLearning

Onboard Configuration eLearning

Manage Users and Page Views

Manage Users

Access and Configure New Hire Profile View

Configuring Auto Logout after Task Completion

Configure Mandatory Create New Hires Fields

Configure Manage New Hires Display and Filters

Manage Workflows

Manage Workflows

Manage Conditions

Create Conditional Workflows

Manage Tasks and Activities

Configure Task Groups

Configure Bulk Actions

Maintain Correspondence Templates

Manage Dictionaries

Manage Field Driving Rules

Managing Forms

Enable Reopen Tasks

Configure Reminders and Escalations

Remove the First Page of Generic Form Activities

Enable Standalone E-Verify

Configure Field Branching

Assign Third Part Approver Activity

Manage Reports

Grant Permission to Run Reports

Run Standard Reports

Run Custom Reports

Configure and Run the eVerify Audit Report

Manage Location and Franchise Based Tasks:

Configure Location Based Tasks

Configure Franchise Based Tasks

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