Manage Labels and Custom Fields

The default or out-of-the-box configuration includes standard fields with default specifications for attributes that determine how the fields are displayed, whether field validations are applied, and whether the fields are enabled, searchable, required, or encrypted.


The default specifications and the selection of standard fields represent the most common configuration. Clients may want to configure additional fields to ensure the application reflects their nomenclature and business practices. To accommodate client needs, you can modify attributes for standard fields or create new fields and add them to screens as needed (and as allowed).

  • Add custom fields for Applicant entity
  • Display dictionary values as radio buttons
  • Edit field labels, validations
  • Enable/disable
  • Encryption
  • Required/optional
  • Dictionary used on field
  • Height/width

How to Access the Screen

  1. In the Global Toolbar, display the Settings menu and select Settings.
  2. Select the System Configuration tab, if necessary, to display system configuration options.
  3. Display the Show drop-down list and select Labels and Custom Fields. The Manage Labels and Custom Fields screen displays. Note: Use the Show statement to display standard fields or display options for creating a custom field.

Tasks You Can Do on This Screen

  • Save icon - Modify and save standard fields, or create and save custom fields.

Field Descriptions on This Screen

Screen Item Description
Field Class (list pane) Specifies the field class (entity) for which fields are displayed in the list pane. When you select a field class from the drop-down list, the list pane refreshes to display the fields associated with the selected field class.
Field Name (list pane) Enables you to search for a field by field name. To search for a field, enter the full or partial field name in the Field Name text box. The list pane refreshes to display only the fields that match your search text.
Display Label (list pane) Enables you to search for a field by display label. To search for a field, enter the full or partial display label text in the Display Label text box. The list pane refreshes to display only the fields that match your search text.
Restore Defaults button Restores default settings to a standard field that was modified.
Field Name Indicates the name of the field.
Enabled Indicates whether the field is currently enabled. For core fields that must be enabled at all times, this check box is visible, but cannot be changed.
Display Label Specifies the label used on screen to identify the field. Note: Although the display label and the field name may sometimes be the same, they are different attributes. The field name identifies the field for system use and tracking; the display label specifies how the field is identified on screen for the end user. If a client wants to change the name of a field on screen - for example, change cell phone to mobile phone - you would change the display label for the field.
Field Category Allows you to view/edit the category mapped to any Talent Suite entity field. It is a drop-down mapped to dictionary D_FIELD_CATEGORY. NewHire and Requisition are the default available values, but by selecting the book icon book icon, the value is changeable.
Field Type Indicates how the field functions. If you are working with a standard field, you cannot change the field type. If you are creating a custom field, this item appears as a drop-down list and you select a field type. The following field types are available:
  • Boolean: Displays a check box. Allows a user to enable or disable a feature or to select multiple items in a table.
  • Dictionary: Displays a drop-down list from which users can select a single item. Items that appear in the list are stored as dictionary values.
  • Multi-Selectable Dictionary: Allows users to select multiple items from a list. Items that appear in multi-select lists are stored as dictionary values.
  • Date: Displays a calendar pop-up that can be used to specify a date.
  • Integer: Accepts numeric values from 0 - 9 and does not support any non-numeric values, including special characters.
  • String: Accepts alphabetic and numeric values for short answers. If space is needed for an explanation or a lengthy answer, you can specify a text area of a specific height (in rows) and a specific width (in characters).
Create New Field icon Create New Field icon Lets you add a custom field for the Applicant entity. Note: The Create New Field icon only displays when you access the Manage Labels and Custom Fields screen from the System Configuration tab. It does not display if you access the Manage Labels and Custom Fields screen from the Multiple New Hire Portals tab. You can add unlimited custom fields for the Applicant entity, and configure each of the custom dictionaries, custom dates, custom Boolean, custom integers and custom string data types.
Searchable Field Indicates whether the field can be used in search criteria.
Required Indicates whether user input is required. If this check box is unchecked, user input is optional.
Field Validation Indicates which field validation rules, if any, are applied to the field. Field validation rules are predefined rules against which the format of a field entry is compared to determine whether it is valid. Note: Remove any field validation by deselecting (CTRL+Click) any highlighted value in the Field Validation field.
Display Format Indicates the format in which data appears for date fields and text fields that house postal code or currency values. Available formats are:
  • None
  • Short Date
  • Long Date
  • Postal Code
  • Currency
Encrypted check box Indicates whether the field data is encrypted.
Searchable Field check box Indicates whether the field data is searchable.
Due Date Driving Field check box Define which fields drive due date functionality. This setting is only applicable to date type fields belonging to Applicant and Job Application entities. For Job Application, the Candidate Start Date (default field JobApplication.candidateStartDate) MUST ALWAYS BE SELECTED (cannot be deselected) to be a due date driving field in labels and custom fields. By default, it is not selected.
I-9 Section 2 Start Date Driving Field check box Applies to all date fields. It allows admin users to configure from which date field the new hire start date should be populated. By default, the check box is unchecked.
Display as Radio Buttons in NHP Enables the display of dictionary field values as radio buttons in Onboard activity forms.
Field Validation Variables Specifies variables required for field validation rules. This item does not appear on screen if there are no validation rules assigned to the field. The variables required vary depending on the type of validation rule that is assigned to the field.