What's new in IBM Storage Insights

Check out the new features and enhancements that are available in the Q3 2024 update of IBM Storage Insights and IBM Storage Insights Pro.

IBM® is constantly updating the infrastructure, security, and stability of IBM Storage Insights to improve your experience. Enhanced analytics, troubleshooting capabilities, and more robust data collection are built into this update, so that the IBM Support team can better assist you in monitoring your storage environment.

Enhancing ransomware alert accuracy: New user feedback mechanism on false alerts

IBM Storage Insights now includes a dedicated feature to address false ransomware alerts, enabling you to provide feedback directly within the interface. This enhancement is part of the ongoing effort to improve the accuracy of ransomware detection and to refine alerting mechanisms based on real-world usage data.

Why this feature is introduced?

Ransomware detection is critical for safeguarding data integrity, but not all alerts are accurate. False positives cause unnecessary concern and can lead to inefficiencies in managing storage environments. To address this issue, IBM Storage Insights introduced a feedback mechanism that allows you to report false positives directly from the alert details page. This feedback helps to understand the context behind these alerts, enabling the refinement of detection algorithms and the reduction of the occurrence of false positives over time.

How it Works

When you encounter a ransomware alert in IBM Storage Insights, you can now indicate whether it is a false positive. If so, you can provide more details about the potential cause, such as compression activities or other system events. IBM Storage Insights captures this feedback and analyzes the data to improve the potential ransomware threat detection capabilities.

To submit feedback on a false positive alert, you can do the following actions:

  • In classic UI: select one or multiple alerts, right-click on the selection, and click Resolve as False Positive on the alert details page. Select the reasons why this alert is incorrect and optionally, you can type other relevant information. Click Submit.
  • In modern UI: On the overview page, click the bell icon in the Resources tile. Click the Potential Ransomware Detected alert and then click Resolve as False Positive. Select the reasons why this alert is incorrect and optionally you can type other relevant information. Click Submit.

What happens after submitting the feedback?

  1. The ransomware threat alert is acknowledged if not done already. The severity of the alert is marked as Critical - Acknowledged
  2. For volumes affected with ransomware alert, the status is changed from Online (Threat Detected) to Online (Threat Detected, Acknowledged). After the next full probe, the status is shown as Online.
  • If multiple ransomware alerts have been triggered for a single volume, you must provide feedback for the appropriate alert. This is crucial because providing feedback on a false positive alert will reset the volume’s status to normal, potentially masking the presence of a real ransomware threat. For example, if three ransomware alerts are generated for the same volume at different times, and if the most recent alert is a genuine ransomware threat while the earlier two were false positives, submitting feedback on the false positive alerts will cause the volume to appear normal, despite the genuine threat identified by the latest alert.
  • You can provide multiple false positive feedback for a single ransomware alert.

Key features

  • Multiple alert feedback: You can submit feedback on multiple false positive alerts simultaneously.
  • Audit logging: All actions related to marking alerts as false positives are logged for auditing and compliance purposes. For more information, see Audit logs
  • Multiple feedback: You can provide multiple false positive feedback for a single ransomware alert.

The ransomware false positives feedback survey feature is designed to empower you by providing a direct voice in improving the accuracy of ransomware alerts and thus reducing the chance of getting more false ransomware alerts. By capturing and analyzing feedback on false positives, IBM Storage Insights continues to enhance its detection capabilities, providing you with more reliable and actionable alerts.

For more information, see Submitting feedback for ransomware false positives

Integrating IBM Storage Insights with Slack for ransomware alerts

IBM Storage Insights now offers enhanced security capabilities with the integration of Slack. This new integration enables you to receive real-time ransomware alerts directly in your Slack channel, providing immediate visibility and facilitating faster response times.

Integration Process:

  1. Create a Slack application and private Channel: Start by setting up a Slack application and a private Slack channel to receive alerts. For more information, see Creating a Slack application and a private Slack channel.
  2. Configure the webhook in IBM Storage Insights: Next, configure a webhook for Slack within IBM Storage Insights. This step connects the two platforms, ensuring seamless delivery of ransomware alerts to your designated Slack channel. For more information, see Creating a webhook for Slack.

By integrating IBM Storage Insights with Slack, you can significantly enhance your organization's security posture and protect your valuable data from ransomware threats. For more information about the complete Slack integration process, see Integrating IBM Storage Insights with Slack

Introducing the new sections and sub-menus to the Main menu Main menu in the modern UI

IBM Storage Insights, a powerful storage monitoring and analytics solution, is undergoing a significant transformation with its new modern UI. With this update, there is a revamped Main menu structure that aims to provide a more intuitive and efficient way to access key storage management functions.

The modern UI introduces several new menus and sections within the existing Main menu. The following table outlines the detailed changes in the Main menu:

Table 1. Details of changes to the Main menu
Main menu sections New sub-menus inside the section Functions

(New section)

No new menus Clicking the Reports section opens the Reports page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. You can share storage environment information by sending reports through email or exporting data for custom reports. For more information, see Reporting.

(Existing section)

Maintenance Information Clicking this menu opens the Maintenance Information page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. You can track the maintenance contracts for individual IBM block storage systems, notifying when a contract expires or will soon expire. For more information, see Tracking maintenance contracts for storage systems.
Capacity Planning Clicking this menu opens the capacity planning page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. You can forecast the capacity needs for block storage systems, file storage systems, pools (by tier), and StaaS environments based on historical storage usage. For more information, see Capacity planning.

(New section)

Performance Clicking this menu opens the performance page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. Displays the performance metrics for storage systems in a chart and provides related information for all storage systems. For more information, see Performance views.
Reclamation Clicking this menu opens the reclamation page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. You can get recommendations to reclaim capacity before planning the new capacity purchases. For more information, see Reclamation.

(New section)

Storage Systems Clicking this menu opens the storage systems overview page in the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights. Displays all storage systems added to the tenant with their attributes and properties in a tabular view. For more information, see Individual device dashboard.
Fabrics Clicking this menu opens the fabrics overview page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. Enables administering and monitoring configuration and status information about fabrics in the storage environment. For more information, see Fabrics.
Switches Clicking this menu opens the switches overview page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. Similar to the Fabrics menu, this page enables monitoring switches. For more information, see Switches.
Chassis Clicking this menu, opens the chassis overview page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. Enables monitoring of chassis within the storage environment. For more information, see Chassis.
Hosts Clicking this menu opens the hosts overview page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. Enables the administration and monitoring of hosts. For more information, see Hosts.
Virtual machines Clicking this menu opens the virtual machines overview page in the classic UI of IBM Storage Insights. Enables the administration and monitoring of virtual machines. For more information, see Virtual Machine details.
Note: While the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights offers a new interface for storage resources, some pages still redirect to the classic UI.
For more information about all the available menus in the Main menu, see Details of sections and sub-menus in the Main menu

Expanding the modern UI: New resource overview pages in IBM Storage Insights

Introducing the newly modernized resource overview pages in IBM Storage Insights, featuring dedicated pages for switches, fabrics, hosts, and virtual machines. This enhancement is part of the ongoing commitment to provide you with a modern and intuitive interface that improves the management of storage resources.

As organizations increasingly rely on complex storage environments, the need for streamlined monitoring and management tools becomes paramount. IBM Storage Insights is at the forefront of addressing these needs, offering you comprehensive visibility and control over your storage infrastructure. The new resource overview pages are designed to enhance this experience, ensuring that you can efficiently access and manage critical information.

The previous interface, while functional, often required you to switch back to the classic UI to access detailed information and perform specific tasks. The goal of these updates is to streamline your workflow by integrating a unified, modern design that eliminates the need to revert to the classic UI. The new pages offer improved visibility, ease of use, and comprehensive monitoring capabilities.

Key features across resource overview pages:

  • Consistent modern interface: Each overview page features a contemporary design that aligns with the overall IBM Storage Insights aesthetic, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Health status indicators: Critical health information is prominently displayed at the top of each page, allowing you to quickly assess the status of their resources.
  • Detailed resource management: You can easily access performance details and properties specific to each resource type, enhancing their ability to monitor and manage configurations effectively.
  • Integrated navigation: Each page allows straightforward navigation to related details and performance metrics, minimizing the need to revert to the classic UI.
  • Enhanced filtering and sorting: You can sort, filter, and reorder columns on each overview page, making it easier to find relevant information tailored to your needs.
  • Contextual links: Each resource page includes links to detailed views in the classic UI when necessary, ensuring continuity of access to comprehensive data.

Accessing the new resource overview pages

To access these resource overview pages from the modern view of IBM Storage Insights, click the left Main menu, expand Inventory to view resources such as Switches, Fabrics, Hosts, or Virtual machines.

For more information about the specific resource overview pages, see the following pages:

Enhanced user experience with a new block storage system details page in the modern UI

Introducing the newly designed block storage system details page within the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights. This upgraded user-friendly interface enhances your ability to manage and monitor your storage systems.

Previously, you often needed to switch back to the classic UI for detailed insights and specific operations. With the introduction of block storage system details page, your workflow is streamlined by offering a cohesive, modern design that presents all necessary information in one place. The updated pages enhance clarity, usability, and monitoring capabilities.

Accessing the new block storage system detail page

To access the block storage system details page from the modern view of IBM Storage Insights, click Main menu, expand Inventory, and then click Storage Systems. The storage system overview page is displayed. Click any block storage system name to access its details page.

When you navigate to the block storage details page, a left navigation panel with various sections and menus are displayed. The following table outlines the details of the sections and menus available in the block storage system details page.

Table 2. Details of sections and menus in the block storage system details page
Sections Menus inside the section Functions
Pinned Menus which you have pinned are visible under Pinned section When you pin the menus, they are displayed under a new Pinned menu.
Note: The Pinned section is visible only if you pinned any menus.
Hardware Drives
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated drives.
  • Performance tab is visible to get insight on the drives performance
  • You can also export the report for the drives in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
For more information, see Drives
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated enclosures.
  • You can click the 3 vertical dots menu at the right end of each enclosure row to view the properties of the enclosure.
  • You can also export the report for the enclosure in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report

For more information, see Enclosures.

FC ports
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated FC ports.
  • Performance tab is visible to get insight on the FC ports performance
  • You can also export the report for the FC ports in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
For more information, see FC ports
IP ports
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated IP ports.
  • You can click the 3 vertical dots menu at the right end of each IP port row to view the properties of the IP ports.
  • You can also export the report for the IP ports in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
Note: The IQN Performance tab for the IP ports is not yet available in the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights.

For more information, see IP ports.

  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated Nodes.
  • Performance tab is visible to get insight on the Nodes performance
  • You can also export the report for the Nodes in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
For more information, see Nodes
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated modules.
  • You can click the 3 vertical dots menu at the right end of each module row to view the properties of module.
  • You can also export the report for the modules in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
Note: Modules menu is displayed only for XIV devices.

For more information, see Nodes, modules, and directors.

Host adapters
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated host adapters.
  • Performance tab is visible to get insight on the host adapters performance
  • You can also export the report for the host adapters in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
Note: Host adapters menu is displayed only for DS8000 devices.
For more information, see Host adapters
Device adapters
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated device adapters.
  • Performance tab is visible to get insight on the device adapters performance
  • You can also export the report for the device adapters in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
Note: Device adapters menu is displayed only for DS8000 devices.
For more information, see Device adapters
Storage I/O groups
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated I/O groups.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the I/O group performance.
  • You can also export the report for the I/O groups in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see I/O groups.
Managed disks
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated managed disks.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the managed disks performance.
  • The Capacity tab is visible to get insight on the managed disks capacity.
  • You can also export the report for the managed disks in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see Managed disks.
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated pools.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the storage pools performance.
  • The Capacity tab is visible to get insight on the storage pools capacity.
  • You can also export the report for the storage pools in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see Pools.
RAID arrays
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated RAID arrays.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the RAID arrays performance.
  • You can also export the report for the RAID arrays in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see RAID arrays.
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated volumes.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the volumes performance.
  • The Capacity tab is visible to get insight on the volumes capacity.
  • You can also export the report for the volumes in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see Volumes.
Volume groups
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated volume groups.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the volume groups performance.
  • The Capacity tab is visible to get insight on the volume groups capacity.
  • You can also export the report for the volumes in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
Note: Volume groups menu is available only for IBM Storage FlashSystem added through Call Home with cloud services.
For more information, see Volume groups.
Host resources Host connections
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated host connections.
  • Performance tab is visible to get insight on the host connections performance
  • You can also export the report for the host connections in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
For more information, see host connections
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated hosts.
  • Capacity tab is visible to get insight on the hosts capacity
  • You can also export the report for the hosts in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
For more information, see hosts
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated HBAs.
  • You can also export the report for the host connections in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
For more information, see HBAs
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated drive.
  • You can also export the report for the host connections in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report
For more information, see Drives
Connectivity Chassis
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated chassis.
  • You can also export the report for the chassis in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see Chassis.
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated fabrics.
  • You can also export the report for the fabrics in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see Fabrics.
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated switches.
  • You can also export the report for the switches in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the switches performance.
For more information, see Switches.
Back-end storage systems
  • On clicking, displays the overview of the associated back-end storage systems.
  • The Performance tab is visible to get insight on the back-end storage systems performance.
  • The Capacity tab is visible to get insight on the back-end storage systems capacity.
  • You can also export the report for the back-end storage systems in CSV, PDF, or HTML format by clicking Export report.
For more information, see Back-end storage systems.
Data protection No sub menus This menu is visible only if the device is having replication data or policies. Clicking Data protection opens the Copy Data page in the classic UI. Block storage copy data resources
Storage Partitions No sub menus This menu is visible in the left navigation panel only for IBM Storage FlashSystem devices added to IBM Storage Insights using Call Home with cloud services.

For more information about storage partition, see Storage Partitions.

Key features in the block storage system details page:

  • Storage system detail page navigation: When you click any block storage system name on the storage systems overview page, it opens the storage system detail page specific to that storage system. This view includes a left navigation panel displaying various menu options relevant to your selected system.

  • Component health and status: The left navigation panel on the storage system detail page shows the number of components, their health status, and a status count. Parent menus reflect the overall health status, prioritizing the statuses in the order: error, warning, unreachable, unconfigured, and unknown statuses.

  • Pinned menus: You can now pin menus for easy access. On mouse hover, an option to pin the menu appears. When pinned, these menus are displayed under a new Pinned menu.

  • Collapsible sidebar: The left navigation panel on the storage system detail page is collapsible, allowing you to expand or collapse it based on your workspace needs. A simple click in the black area of the navigation panel when collapsed expands the sidebar.

  • Device-specific menus:
    • Host adapters and Device adapters options under the Hardware menu are available only for DS8000 devices.
    • Modules option under the Hardware menu are available only for XIV devices.
    • Volume groups option under the Storage menu is available only for IBM Storage FlashSystem added through Call Home with cloud services.
  • Default menu state: The Hardware menu and any pinned menus are shown expanded by default for easy access.

  • Data protection: This menu is visible only if the device is having replication data or policies. Clicking Data protection opens the Copy Data page.

  • Free tenant restrictions: For IBM Storage Insights free tenants, the storage system detail page is not been accessible. Clicking a storage system link opens the individual device overview page.

  • File, Object, Unified storage systems view: When you click any File, Object, or Unified storage system name on the storage system overview page, the classic UI of storage system detail page opens in a new browser window.
  • Storage partitions: This menu is visible in the left navigation panel only for IBM Storage FlashSystem devices added to IBM Storage Insights using Call Home with cloud services.

For more information about the storage system details page, see Block storage system details page.

Introducing Host connections column and multiple selections in the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights

IBM Storage Insights is now enhanced with significant features: The new Host connections column and the multiple selections of storage systems in the storage systems overview page. These enhancements are designed to provide you greater visibility and control over your storage systems.

These updates offer enhanced functions for managing and interacting with your storage data. The Host connections column allows you to easily access and manage host connections information, while the multiple selection feature enables bulk actions, streamlining operations within the storage systems overview page.

  1. New Host connections column in the storage systems overview page in modern UI of IBM Storage Insights:
    • Visibility: A new Host connections column is introduced to the storage systems overview page, visible by default upon loading the page.
    • Conditional display: The column is hidden when only Object or Unified storage types are selected from the filters.
    • Customizable view: You can manage the display of this column through the column chooser, where Host connections is grouped under System properties.
    • Data Representation: The number is displayed in the Host connections column. When you click the number, you are redirected to the host connections details page in modern UI, filtered by the corresponding storage system hosts. If the Host connections value is not applicable, the column value displays as -.
      Note: The Host connections column is available for both free and pro versions of IBM Storage Insights. However, the value in the Host connections column in the free version of IBM Storage Insights is not clickable as the host connections details page is not available to the free version.
    • Filtering and Sorting: This Host connections column supports both filtering and sorting to facilitate efficient data management.
  2. Multiple selections of storage systems in the storage systems overview page in the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights:
    • You can now select multiple storage systems in the storage systems overview page. After the selection, several available action menus such as View capacity, View performance, and Data collection are displayed at the top of the storage systems overview table in the blue bar.
    • View Capacity and View Performance actions redirect you to the corresponding classic UI pages for detailed analysis.

These enhancements are tailored for the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights, offering a more efficient and user-friendly experience for managing storage systems.

For more information about the storage systems overview page, see Storage systems tabular view.

Downloading audit logs from the modern UI of IBM Storage Insights

IBM Storage Insights now enables you to download audit logs of user actions directly from the modern UI. You can access and review the logs for various activities that are performed within the last 15 days, available in a CSV format for easy analysis.

To download the audit logs from the modern UI, click the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the menu bar and then select Export audit log. The audit log file will be downloaded to your system in CSV format.

For more information about the audit log feature, including the tracked user actions and the REST API for programmatic access, see Audit logs.

Introducing the logs upload feature for existing IBM Storage Ceph support tickets

IBM Support has always aimed to provide efficient resolutions for hardware and software issues. By allowing you to update support tickets, the process for troubleshooting and issue resolution is more streamlined. With the integration of IBM Storage Ceph systems into IBM Storage Insights, we recognized the need for a more effective way to assist you in resolving issues that are related to your IBM Storage Ceph environments.

This new logs upload feature addresses a critical gap in the support process. When you report issues with your IBM Storage Ceph systems, the support team requires detailed logs to diagnose and resolve these problems effectively. Previously, gathering and submitting these logs could be cumbersome, potentially delaying the resolution times. With the introduction of this feature, you can now easily upload new log packages directly to your existing support tickets, ensuring that the support team has the necessary information to expedite the troubleshooting.

Key benefits of uploading log packages to your existing support ticket:

  • Faster resolution: Get your IBM Storage Ceph issues resolved quicker by providing IBM Support with the necessary logs directly within the ticket.
  • Improved accuracy: Ensure complete and accurate logs are uploaded, aiding in a more efficient diagnosis.

How to upload the log packages to your existing support ticket?

To take advantage of this new logs upload feature, follow these simple steps:
  1. Go to Resources > Unified Storage Systems, click the 3 vertical dots button at the far right of the specific IBM Storage Ceph device row, and click Get Support.
  2. Click Update Ticket.
  3. Enter the ticket number that you want to update, and click Next.
  4. Select Create new package and choose the type of new package that you want to upload. Click Next. Optionally, you can upload an attachment. Click Next.
  5. Review the ticket and log information, and click Update Ticket. A success message is displayed stating the estimated time to upload log packages to the ticket. Click Close.

A task is created automatically to upload the logs to the ticket. You can track the task status by clicking the Running and Completed tasks icon that is located to the right in the top menu bar.

Note: The estimated duration for completing the log upload process is 60 minutes.
Tip: Did you know?

You can grant permission to IBM Support to collect and upload log packages for the resources without needing to contact you each time. For more information, see Granting IBM Support permission to collect log packages

With this new logs upload feature, you can effortlessly provide the necessary logs for your IBM Storage Ceph support tickets, leading to a faster issue resolution and improved overall experience with your IBM Storage Insights.

For more information, see Uploading the new log package to the existing IBM Storage Ceph support ticket.

Enhanced overflow menu in the modernized UI

Earlier, users needed to use the classic IBM Storage Insights view, to perform storage systems specific operations, such as test and modify connection and data collection operations. Users can now test and modify storage system connections, and manage data collection operations directly from the overflow menu in the IBM Storage Insights modernized UI, eliminating the need to switch to the classic UI.

For more information, see Storage systems tabular view.

Switching and managing user roles

IBM Storage Insights supports role-based access to its features. Users in IBM Storage Insights are assigned specific roles, such as Administrator and Monitor. The role of a user determines the level of access that the user has to complete certain actions. A user can have more than one user roles that are assigned to them. Now, a user in IBM Storage Insights can switch to another available role to by selecting it on the profile card. In addition, the administrator users can manage IBM Storage Insights users. When a user switches role, the IBM Storage Insights features are filtered based on the selected role and become available to the user.

For more information, see User profile.

Support to view user navigation history

IBM Storage Insights now includes a navigation history feature, offering a trail of clickable links on each page to easily retrace and navigate through previous locations.

Column reordering and sorting in storage systems tabular view

Earlier, users were not able to reorder the columns for the storage systems tabular view and columns were displayed based on a fixed order. Now, IBM Storage Insights supports reordering of columns and allows users to reorder columns of the storage systems tabular view. All selected columns appear under the Selected columns section. User can drag columns to change their order as per the requirements. Now user can also sort data table by clicking the name of the column in the tabular view.

For more information, see Storage systems tabular view.

Enhanced API support to query storage system-specific details

IBM Storage Insights supports the following new APIs to query storage system-specific details, such as:

  • Get all ports that belong to a particular fabric.
  • Get all zone sets that belong to a particular fabric.
  • Get all switches associated to a particular fabric.
  • Get all hosts added to IBM Storage Insights.
  • Get all virtual machines that belong to a particular host.
  • Get all HBAs that belong to a particular host.
  • Get all drives internal resources that belong to a particular host.
  • Get all data stores that belong to a particular host.
  • Get all VMware virtual machine disks (VMDKs) that belong to a particular host.
  • Get all IP replication details for a particular block storage system under copy data.
    Note: For the IP replication API, only table-level details such as remote system name, IP address, and state are available.

Don't forget to upgrade your data collectors

If the automatic upgrade option for data collectors is enabled, no action is required after updating IBM Storage Insights.

If the automatic upgrade is not enabled, you will receive a notification to upgrade your data collectors to benefit from new features and improvements. To upgrade, ensure you have the Administrator role, then click the link in the notification message or go to the Configuration > Data Collector and click Upgrade.

Upgrade data collectors