Product overview of Maximo Asset Monitor

Maximo Asset Monitor provides a monitoring solution for real-time visibility, root-cause troubleshooting, anomaly detection, and AI-driven alerts at scale.

What is Maximo Asset Monitor?

With Maximo Asset Monitor, business users can visualize current and historical trend data for their devices and assets in customizable dashboards. In the hierarichal navigator, users can drill down through layers from a system-wide view to individual assets. Analytic functions are applied to input data, and the output is displayed on value cards, tables, images, line graphs, and alert tables. The data is marked up with alert information that is driven from built-in anomaly detector models and alert functions.

Maximo Asset Monitor includes the following components:

How it works

Watch this video (6 mins) to see a short demonstration of Maximo Asset Monitor.


To use Maximo Asset Monitor, set up your environment:

For the steps involved in setting up your environment, see Getting started.

High-level data flow

Figure 1. End-to-end flow of data
End-to-end flow. This graphic is explained in the surrounding text.

The following high-level flow shows an end-to-end flow of data that uses a workstation as an example of a device type:

  1. Sensors on a workstation send metrics and dimension data through events to the platform.
  2. The data is associated with a workstation device type and is stored in the data lake.
  3. Functions are run on the pipeline of the workstation device type to transform and aggregate the data. The functions might also load data from an IBM Maximo environment.
  4. The results are visualized in dashboards on the user interface as workstation KPIs, alerts, and anomalies.

For a more detailed description of the flow of data, see IoT data flow and lifecycle.


For information about the charge metrics and the capacity units that are associated with the Maximo Asset Monitor cloud service, contact your IBM representative, who is listed in your welcome letter.