Using the REST API test tool

To use the REST API tool, you select a resource type, you click a method name, and you pass it the appropriate parameters. When you call the method, the resulting request and response display immediately.

About this task

The REST API test tool is a web application that you can use to test the management capabilities of the following REST resources and their associated parameters:
  • RuleApps
  • Rulesets
  • XOMs
  • Libraries
  • Decision Warehouse traces


  1. Sign in to the Rule Execution Server console as an administrator and click the REST API tab to display the test tool.
  2. In the REST API tab, click the tab for the resource on which you want to call methods: /ruleapps, /rulesets, /libraries, /xoms, and /decisiontraces

    Rule Execution Server REST resources are RuleApps, rulesets, XOM libraries, XOM resources, and Decision Warehouse traces.

  3. Click anywhere on either of the GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE method paths.

    This action opens the panel that displays the request and response elements, such as Request Body, URL Query Parameters, and HTTP Header Parameters.

  4. Optional: Click Show Parameter Details to consult a list of available parameters and their documentation.

    You can also consult the REST API reference manual for details and examples of the format that is used in requests and responses.

  5. Optional: Enter the body of the request when applicable.

    Some methods do not take a request body.

    Table 1. Request Body
    Methods Input format Resources
    POST and PUT methods
    For the methods that require a request body, the request body uses one of the following formats:
    • An XML or JSON description of the object
    • A binary file, which makes the parameter mandatory: until you select a file, a warning icon is displayed.
    • A value in a plain-text field, such as a property value
    For RuleApp and ruleset resources, you must pass a valid ruleset archive in one of two ways:
    • You encode an existing ruleset in Base64 and add the resulting code to the XML or JSON code.
    • You leave the bytecode provided in the <archive></archive> XML tag pair or in the JSON "archive" tag of the Request Body. This bytecode composes a valid ruleset archive with no rules, no rule flow, no parameters. You can later update this empty ruleset archive with a real ruleset archive.
  6. Select the appropriate parameter boxes and then add values from the drop-down menus.
    Note: Tooltips indicate mandatory or read-only parameters. The parameter is not editable: its check box is automatically selected and you cannot clear it. If no default value is predefined for a mandatory parameter, a warning icon is displayed and the Call method button remains unavailable until you specify a value. Read-only parameters are mandatory.

    Use the following table to parameterize your request:

    Table 2. Parameters
    Methods Parameters Parameter templates

    The Accept parameter has two predefined values. If you try to enter other values manually, an HTTP Status 406 Not Acceptable warning is displayed.

    Some methods take parameters for which you can add your own custom values to the predefined values.

    Parameter templates, which are displayed between curled brackets ({}) in the calling URLs, are placeholders. You must specify a value for them because they are mandatory.
    GET In some GET methods, no parameters are selected because they are all optional. In this case, you can click Call method directly.  
  7. Click Call method.

    A panel opens and displays the request and its response.