Customizing a Decision Warehouse data source

The JAR files of the product distribution include a default data source. You can customize how and where the trace data is stored.

About this task

Each application server has a default data source that stores the execution traces of the rulesets that are enabled for Decision Warehouse. As a developer, you can customize how and where the trace data is stored.


To store trace data in a customized data source:

  1. Use the extension API to create a custom Data Access Object (DAO).

    See the ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace package.

    Your custom DAO implements the IlrTraceDAO interface.

  2. Reference this object in the calling client.
  3. If you want to query the custom data source from the Decision Warehouse tab of the Rule Execution Server console, package your custom DAO in the Rule Execution Server console web archive.