Rule Execution Server console and user roles

The Rule Execution Server console is a JMX Beans-based, graphical web interface for RuleApp management on the supported application servers.

You use the Rule Execution Server console to manage business logic. You browse, update, and deploy RuleApps. An MBean server houses the JMX beans for management tasks.

Rule Execution Server supports user roles. A role defines a set of actions that are allowed to the current user.

To access the Rule Execution Server console, you type the relevant web address in a browser on the host server, then you sign in by entering your user name and password. For more information, see Opening the Rule Execution Server console and signing in.

Each supported application server has a default web address. Rule Execution Server supports both the HTTP and HTTPS communications protocols.

Table 1. Default web addresses for supported application servers
Supported application server URL
WebSphere® Application Server, Sample Server http://localhost:<PORT>/res or https://localhost:<PORT>/res
Oracle WebLogic Server http://localhost:7001/res or https://localhost:7001/res
JBoss http://localhost:8080/res or https://localhost:8080/res
Tomcat http://localhost:8080/res or https://localhost:8080/res

If your browser is not running on the same host as the application server, replace localhost with <host>.

Depending on how you created the resDATA table, you might also need to define the following properties:
  • user: for example, PBPUBLIC
  • password: for example, PBPUBLIC

The user name and password properties are not created by default. You must create them with the right values for your data source. If the user name and password are not correctly set, you receive an error message when you start the Rule Execution Server console.

Definitions of user roles

Rule Execution Server supports user roles. A role defines a set of actions that the user can take. These actions are made available in the Rule Execution Server console according to the rights of the logged-in user. For example, the Diagnostics tab and some Server Info commands are visible only for users with administrator rights.

You cannot customize the user roles. You must configure the user roles in your application server when you configure Rule Execution Server. For more information, refer to the installation and configuration instructions for your application server.

The user roles are listed in increasing degree of control:
Monitor (read-only access)

Users with monitoring rights are allowed only to view and explore RuleApps, rulesets, decision services, execution units, and statistics, but are not allowed to modify them. They can also select a trace configuration and view and filter trace information in Decision Warehouse.


In addition to their monitoring rights, users with deploying rights are allowed more actions on archives and artifacts: they are allowed to deploy RuleApp archives and to edit and remove artifacts (RuleApps, rulesets, decision services, Java™ XOM resources and libraries). They are also allowed to run diagnostics.

Restriction: Deployer does not have access to Decision Warehouse, which Monitor can access to. The Decision Warehouse tab is not available when you sign in with the deploying rights.
Administrator (full access)
Users with administrator rights have full control over the deployed resources and access to information about the server.
  • Deploy, browse, and modify RuleApps, and Java XOM resources and libraries
  • Monitor the decision history, purge, and back up the history
  • Run diagnostics and view server information

Commands available for each user role

See Introducing the Rule Execution Server console for details on how to use these commands.


The REST API tab is available to the administrator role and the deployer role.

If you work with the sample server, the user-password combination to sign in as an administrator is resAdmin - resAdmin. The user-password combination to sign in as a deployer is resDeployer - resDeployer.

The following table lists which commands are available to each user role in the Explorer on RuleApps.
Table 2. User rights on RuleApps in the Explorer RuleApps View
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
RuleApps View Update RuleApps Add RuleApp Add RuleApp
  Deploy RuleApp Archive Deploy RuleApp Archive
  Update RuleApps Update RuleApps
  Download Archive Download Archive
  Remove Remove
RuleApp View   Add Ruleset Add Ruleset
  Add Property Add Property
  Download Archive Download Archive
  Edit Edit
  Remove Remove
The following table lists which commands are available to each user role in the Explorer on rulesets.
Table 3. User rights on rulesets in the Explorer
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
Ruleset View   Test Ruleset Test Ruleset
View Statistics View Statistics View Statistics
View Execution Unit View Execution Unit View Execution Unit
  Upload Ruleset Archive Upload Ruleset Archive
  Add Managed URI Add Managed URI
  Add Property Add Property
  Edit Edit
Retrieve HTDS Description File Retrieve HTDS Description File Retrieve HTDS Description File
The following table lists which commands are available to each user role on Java XOM resources.
Table 4. User rights on Java XOM resources in the Explorer
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
Resources View   Deploy Resource Deploy Resource
Clean up Resources Clean up Resources
Download Resource Download Resource
Remove Remove
Resource View   Download Resource Download Resource
Remove Remove
The following table lists which commands are available to each user role in the Explorer on Java XOM libraries.
Table 5. User rights for Java XOM libraries in the Explorer
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
Libraries View   Add Library Add Library
  Clean up Libraries Clean up Libraries
  Remove Remove
Library View   Add Internal Resource Reference Add Internal Resource Reference
  Add Library Reference Add Library Reference
  Download Resource Download Resource
  Remove Remove

The following table shows the Explorer commands that are available for the different users of transparent decision services.

Table 6. User commands for decision services in Explorer
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
Transparent Decision Service Infomation View Refresh Refresh Refresh
  Remove Remove
Transparent Decision Service View Refresh Refresh Refresh
  Edit Edit
  Add Property Add Property
  Remove Remove
The following table lists which commands are available to each user role in Decision Warehouse.
Table 7. User rights in Decision Warehouse
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
Decision Warehouse Search Decisions Not available Search Decisions
Persistence Properties Not available Persistence Properties
    Clear Decisions

The following table lists which commands are available to each user role in the Diagnostics page.

Table 8. User rights in the Diagnostics Page
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
Diagnostics View Not available Run Diagnostics Run Diagnostics

The following table lists which commands are available to each user role in the Server Info page.

Table 9. User rights in the Server Info Page
Console page Monitor Deployer Administrator
Server Info Refresh Refresh Refresh
Update RuleApps Update RuleApps Reset Console Messages
  Backup RuleApps Reset Execution Unit Messages
  Restore RuleApps Update RuleApps
    Backup RuleApps
    Restore RuleApps
    Log level drop-down list