Deploying decision services by using Ant tasks

You can use a Decision Center Ant task to deploy your decision services.

With Ant tasks, you can automate the deployment of decision services to Rule Execution Server. The following example shows the Ant tasks for deployment:

ant deploy -DprojectName=AutoQuote -Dbranch="Spring Release" -DdeploymentName="Deployment to QA env;"

For information about configuring your HTTP proxy server and enabling communication to work for self-signed SSL certificates, see Communication protocols and network settings.

The following table describes the parameters.

Table shows parameters for Ant deployment.
Parameter Description


The name of the decision service project.


The name of the branch of the project to be deployed.


The name of the deployment configuration to use.


(Optional) The name of the baseline.


(Optional) The names of the target servers. Overrides the target servers that are selected in the deployment configuration in Decision Center. You can enter one or more servers.


(Optional) States whether it is a redeployment. Uses values true and false.


(Optional) The name of the directory to receive the RuleApp. If an output directory is specified, the RuleApp archive file of the decision service is copied to the directory.


(Optional) The version numbers to be given to the rulesets. Overrides the ruleset version numbers specified in the deployment configuration in Decision Center.


(Optional) The URL that specifies the location of the application server. The default value is http://localhost:9080/teamserver.


(Optional) The name of the data source. The default value is jdbc/ilogDataSource.