Creating subflow tasks

You create a subflow task to reference another ruleflow to be executed.

About this task

Deprecated feature:

Deprecation icon Rule Solutions for Office (RSO) is deprecated in V8.8.1. This feature will be removed in a future release of the product. See Deprecated features for migration details.

A subflow task references another ruleflow to be executed. The referenced ruleflow can be any other ruleflow in the rule project. You can self-reference a ruleflow, but be careful to avoid infinite loops.


To create a subflow task:

  1. Add the subflow task to the ruleflow diagram in one of the following ways:
    • Select the node before or after where you want to add a subflow task, and then click Add Node After > Subflow Task or Add Node Before > Subflow Task. A transition is automatically created between the node you selected and the new subflow task.

    • In the Ruleflow Editor Toolbox, click Subflow Task, and then drag the new subflow task to the diagram. Drop the subflow on a transition to connect it to existing nodes.

  2. Name the subflow task in one of the following ways:
    • Click the arrow icon Arrow icon in the top corner of the subflow task box and enter a name in the Task Name field.

    • Select the subflow task, and in the Selection Properties pane, enter a name in the Task Name property field.

  3. Reference another ruleflow from the subflow task in one of the following ways:
    • Right-click the subflow task, and then click Edit Task.

    • Double-click the subflow task.

    • Click the arrow icon Arrow icon in the top corner of the subflow task, and then click Edit subflow.

    • Select the subflow task and edit the Subflow property.

  4. In the Subflow Editor, select another ruleflow from your project, and then click OK.