RuleDoc Repair wizard

If Rule Solutions for Office detects inconsistencies between a RuleDoc and the underlying data model, you can use the RuleDoc Repair wizard to correct them.

Deprecated feature:

Deprecation icon Rule Solutions for Office (RSO) is deprecated in V8.8.1. This feature will be removed in a future release of the product. See Deprecated features for migration details.

When you open a RuleDoc, Rule Solutions for Office compares the contents of the RuleDoc with the underlying business rule data. If inconsistencies are detected, the RuleDoc Repair wizard can help you correct them.

Every element that a RuleDoc displays must have a corresponding element in the business rule data that is embedded in the RuleDoc file to ensure consistency when synchronizing RuleDocs. When you edit a RuleDoc that uses Rule Solutions for Office, consistency is maintained automatically.

However, problems might occur:

You can correct these kinds of errors with the RuleDoc Repair wizard: