Unaugmenting Rule Execution Server from existing profiles

You can unaugment Decision Server from existing profiles without deleting the cluster.

About this task

Use the manageprofiles command to unaugment Decision Server from existing profiles in a cluster.


Start the manageprofiles file with the following -unaugment options:
  • On Windows: <WAS_InstallDir>\bin\manageprofiles.bat -unaugment -profileName Dmgr01 -templatePath <WAS_InstallDir>\profileTemplates\rules\management\ds -nodeName DecisionNode -cellName DecisionCell -targetNodeName DecisionServerNode01
  • In UNIX environments: <WAS_InstallDir>/bin/manageprofiles.sh -unaugment -profileName Dmgr01 -templatePath <WAS_InstallDir>/profileTemplates/rules/management/ds -nodeName DecisionNode -cellName DecisionCell -targetNodeName DecisionServerNode01


  • <WAS_InstallDir> is the directory where you installed WebSphere® Application Server.
  • Dmgr01 is the name of the profile deployment manager that you created as a prerequisite to configuring the cluster.
  • ds is the abbreviation of Decision Server.
  • -nodeName and -cellName are the names of the node and cell that you defined when you created the deployment manager profile.
  • -targetNodeName is the name of the node to which you installed Decision Server.


When the process completes, a message similar to the following one is displayed: INSTCONFSUCCESS: Profile unaugmentation succeeded

The command removes the resAdmin, resDeployer, and resMonitor users. The cluster is kept as is to prevent any risk of deleting previously existing configurations.