Rule Execution Server logging services

Developers can use the Java™ and Apache logging services to control message levels and runtime formats and storage.

Rule Execution Server uses standard Java logging services:
Java logger
The java.util.logging package. For more information about the API, see the Sun Developer Center.
Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
For more information, see the Sun Developer Center.
Apache log4j
For more information about the API, see Apache Logging Services.
Using these logging services, developers can log messages that are based on message type and level. They can also control how these messages are formatted and stored at run time.

The following table lists the loggers that are used by each Rule Execution Server component.

Table 1. Loggers for each Rule Execution Server component
Module Component Logger
Execution unit (XU) Rule Execution Server uses the Java logger. The other supported application servers use the logging service of the Java connector architecture (JCA).
Hosted transparent decision services Apache log4j
Rule Execution Server console Apache log4j
Decision Warehouse No logger. Decision Warehouse stores execution traces in a database.

Execution stack (XU and rule sessions)

On WebSphere® Application Server, the activity of the execution unit is logged by the Java logger. On the other supported application servers and Java SE, the execution unit uses the logging service of the Java connector architecture (JCA). The traceLevel and traceAutoFlush properties control the XU logging with JCA.

Java logging for Java SE
You can change the log level in the XU in one the following ways: or the ra.xml file. You can edit this file manually or by using the res-setup Ant script.
  • Use the rule session API: you might have to recompile the customer code when you want to change the settings or use some configuration options.
  • Edit the ra.xml file manually: you must then edit the class path and put it in the right place.
  • Edit the ra.xml file manually by running the res-setup Ant script.

The XU uses the following JAR file: <InstallDir>\executionserver\lib\jrules-res-execution.jar

Here are the default settings in the default-ra.xml deployment descriptor file:
  • jdkLoggingEnabled set to false
  • traceLevel set to FINE
  • traceAutoFlush set to false: the XU does not flush the log buffer each time a message is logged.
Java logging for Java EE

The XU uses the <InstallDir>\executionserver\applicationservers\<appserver>\jrules-res-xu-<appserver>.rar file.

WebSphere Application Server and JBoss 6.1

You can change the log level through the Java logging options in the administration console of the application server.

Here are the default settings in the ra.xml deployment descriptor.
  • jdkLoggingEnabled set to true on WebSphere Application Server
  • traceLevel set to FINE - ignored on WebSphere Application Server
  • traceAutoFlush set to false - ignored on WebSphere Application Server
  • Logger name:
Other supported application servers

You can change the log level through the JCA logging service. Use the specific tool of your application server to change the settings of a connection factory.

Here are the default settings in the ra.xml deployment descriptor.
  • jdkLoggingEnabled set to false
  • traceLevel set to FINE
  • traceAutoFlush set to false: the XU does not flush the log buffer each time a message is logged.
To turn on the full XU log, set the values as follows:
  • traceLevel to ALL
  • traceAutoFlush to true

Hosted transparent decision services

By default, hosted transparent decision services use the following .ear file: <InstallDir>\executionserver\applicationservers\<appserver>\jrules-res-htds-<appserver>.ear.

Hosted transparent decision services use the log4j Apache logger, which is defined as a context parameter in the web.xml file, the deployment descriptor for web applications.
Default log4j settings in WEB-INF/classes/log4j.lcf:
  • log4j.logger.ilog.rules.res.decisionservice=INFO, DS_LOG_FILE
  • log4j.appender.DS_LOG_FILE=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
  • log4j.appender.DS_LOG_FILE.File=logs/res-decisionservice.log
  • log4j.appender.DS_LOG_FILE.MaxFileSize=10MB
  • log4j.appender.DS_LOG_FILE.MaxBackupIndex=2
  • log4j.appender.DS_LOG_FILE.Encoding=UTF-8
  • log4j.appender.FILE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
  • log4j.appender.DS_LOG_FILE.layout.ConversionPattern=<%d> %-5p [%c] : %m%n

You can add other appenders on these loggers, but DS_LOG_FILE must be present.

Rule Execution Server console

By default, the Rule Execution Server console uses the following .ear file: <InstallDir>\executionserver\applicationservers\<appserver>\jrules-res-management-<appserver>.ear

The Rule Execution Server console use the log4j Apache logger, which is defined as a context parameter in the web.xml file, the deployment descriptor for web applications:
    <description>LOG4J configuration file. Can be modified.</description>
Default log4j settings in WEB-INF/classes/log4j.lcf:
  • log4j.appender.RES_LOG_FILE=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
  • log4j.appender.RES_LOG_FILE.File=../logs/res-console.log
  • log4j.appender.RES_LOG_FILE.MaxFileSize=10MB
  • log4j.appender.RES_LOG_FILE.MaxBackupIndex=2
  • log4j.appender.RES_LOG_FILE.Encoding=UTF-8
  • log4j.appender.RES_LOG_FILE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
  • log4j.appender.RES_LOG_FILE.layout.ConversionPattern=<%d> %-5p [%c] : %m%n
  • log4j.appender.RES_CONSOLE=ilog.rules.res.console.util.IlrRollingMemoryAppender
  • log4j.appender.RES_CONSOLE.MaxLength=100
  • log4j.logger.ilog.rules.res.model.mbean=INFO, RES_LOG_FILE, RES_CONSOLE
  • log4j.logger.ilog.rules.res.console=INFO, RES_LOG_FILE, RES_CONSOLE