Rule Designer API

Package ilog.rules.brl

Contains classes related to the Business Rule Language Definition Framework (BRLDF).


Interface Summary
IlrBRLElement This interface represents elements used in the Business Rule Language Definition Framework (BRLDF).
IlrBRLMarkerConstants Constants for business rule language problem markers.
IlrBRLMarkerDescriptor A descriptor associated with a business rule language marker.
IlrBRLMarkerFilter Provides a mechanism for filtering markers when reporting errors.
IlrBRLMarkerFixProposal The interface represents a fix proposal that can be applied to a text in order to correct the text or help with editing it.
IlrBRLMutableParserInput IlrBRLMutableParserInput represents the mutable facade of a business rule language (BRL) parser input.
IlrBRLParserInput IlrBRLParserInput represents the input to be parsed by the business rule language parser.
IlrBRLRuleEditingContext When a rule is being edited, some information about the editing context, such as the edited element, the current vocabulary, and the language definition of the edited element, is provided by implementation of this interface.
IlrBRLRuleElement This interface defines an IlrBRLRuleElement.
IlrBRLVocabularyManager This interfaces extends IlrVocabularyManager interface to provide an API to retrieve a vocabulary according to a language definition and a language.
IlrMutableBRLElement This interface is mutable facet of a BRL element providing setter API.
IlrMutableBRLRuleElement Mutable facade of a business rule.

Class Summary
IlrBRL The base class for all semantic context extensions of business rule languages.
IlrBRL.CheckValue An implementation of a semantic action that checks if a node is a value.
IlrBRL.DeclareVariable This semantic action is an abstract action to declare a variable to the semantic context.
IlrBRL.ValueFilter An implementation of a semantic filter that accepts only values.
IlrBRLMarker Represents a business rule language marker.
IlrBRLMarkerFixProcessor The interface represents the way to compute all the proposals in order to fix a problem represented by a marker.
IlrBRLMarkerFixTextCorrection This class handles text correction.
IlrBRLRuleElementTranslatorInput This class is an implementation of IlrTranslatorInput which uses information of the given IlrBRLRuleElement.
IlrBRLTemplateInfo Represents a template information element.
IlrCollectionUtil A class containing utility methods to handle BAL collections.
IlrDateUtil A class proposing utility methods to handle Date/Time related types.
IlrNameUtil This class provides utility methods used by the BAL->IRL translator to convert technical names handled by the engine into business name usually used in rule projects.
IlrStringUtil This class provides utility methods used by the BAL->IRL translator.

Package ilog.rules.brl Description

Contains classes related to the Business Rule Language Definition Framework (BRLDF).

JRules 6.0

Rule Designer API

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