Organizing governance artifacts with categories (Watson Knowledge Catalog)

A category is like a folder or directory that organizes your governance artifacts and the users who can view and manage those artifacts.

Categories provide the logical structure for all types of governance artifacts, except data protection rules. You group your governance artifacts in categories to make them easy to find, to control their visibility, and to manage them. Categories can be organized in a hierarchy based on their meaning and relationships to one another. A category can have subcategories, but a subcategory can have only one direct parent category.

You control which users can view or manage categories and their governance artifacts by adding users as collaborators to categories. You assign category collaborator roles that determine their permissions for the category and their responsibilities to complete assigned tasks in workflows for the category. Subcategories inherit collaborators from their parent categories. However, you can assign more roles to collaborators in subcategories. Therefore, subcategories cannot have more restrictive access than their parent categories. You can easily add all users who have permission to access governance artifacts by adding the predefined All users group to the category.

Watch the following video for an overview of categories.

This video provides a visual method as an alternative to following the written steps in this documentation.

Example of a category structure

Suppose a company that makes parts for energy suppliers wants to set up governance. The Cloud Pak for Data administrator assigns the Manage governance categories permission to Sammy, who is the Chief Data Officer.

Sammy creates these top-level categories:

The initial category structure looks like this:

Example category structure

Sue is the executive that Sammy added as the Owner of the Product development category. Sue adds these users to the Product development category:

In the Product development category, Sue creates these governance rules to document departmental policies:

Ann creates the Measurement category, and therefore Ann has the Owner role. She also inherits the Admin role in the Measurement category from the Product development category. Sammy, Sue, and All users are collaborators in the Measurement category with their inherited roles.

In the Measurement category, Ann creates business terms that apply to measuring energy in general, such as:

Then, Ann creates two subcategories under the Measurement category:

The following illustration shows these categories, their artifacts, and their collaborators.

Example category structure

When catalog users who are in the All users group find assets with the assigned business term Frequency, the users can see the context for the term in its path: Measurement/Electric measurement/Frequency.

Category collaborators

Category collaborators must have one of these user permissions:

All users with these permissions are in the All users group for categories.

Category collaborators have roles that control which actions they can take within the category:

Category collaborator roles are cumulative down the category hierarchy:

Viewing a category

You can view a category and its artifacts if either of these conditions is true:

To view a category, go to Governance > Categories, and then click a category name.

Primary and secondary relationships between categories and artifacts

Categories and artifacts have two types of relationships:

Mandatory. The category owns the artifact and determines who can manage it. Every governance artifact has one primary category that you assign when you create the artifact.
Optional. The category includes the artifact. An artifact can be included in any number of secondary categories. A secondary category is an alternative way to group and discover artifacts.

A category can have both primary and secondary artifacts.

You can view an artifact if you have viewer permission in the artifact’s primary category.

The [uncategorized] category

The [uncategorized] category is created automatically.

The [uncategorized] category differs from other categories in these ways:

The [uncategorized] category can be only a primary category for governance artifacts.

By default, the [uncategorized] has these category collaborators:

Categories and workflows

You can configure fine-grained control over governance artifacts by combining categories with workflows. Workflows enforce task-based processes to control the creating, updating, and deleting of governance artifacts. You specify the number of steps in a workflow and who can perform the task for each step. Each workflow controls a combination of categories, artifact types, and actions. Assignees are notified when they must perform a task for a governance artifact that corresponds to a step in the workflow. The assignees for a workflow step can supersede the permissions provided by category roles.

For example, if a workflow step specifies that reviewers for creating an artifact must have the Admin role in the category, then only collaborators who have the Admin role are assignees for that task. A collaborator with the Owner role but not the Admin role is not an assignee, even though the Owner role includes the permission to create artifacts.

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