Setting up Portworx storage

If you decide to use Portworx for storage, you can either use your existing Portworx storage or you can use the Portworx Essentials instance that is included with IBM® Cloud Pak for Data. In either case, Portworx version or later is required for OpenShift® 3.11, and Portworx version 2.6.2 or later is required for OpenShift 4.5 and 4.6.

If you are using your existing Portworx storage, your configuration must support dynamic storage provisioning with ReadWriteMany access on the persistent volumes.

If you are using Portworx Essentials for IBM Cloud Pak for Data, the files that you need to set up Portworx are included in the Cloud Pak for Data package on IBM Passport Advantage®. For details, see Obtaining the installation files.

About this task

Use the following table to determine which tasks you must complete based on your environment:

Task Existing Portworx storage Entitled Portworx instance
Planning for Portworx Essentials for IBM Cloud Pak for Data Recommended Required
Installing Portworx Essentials for IBM Cloud Pak for Data Not applicable Required
Creating Portworx storage classes Required Required

To set up Portworx storage, complete the required tasks for your environment: