The DWWVRDEF job produces four data sets when it is submitted successfully.

Copy member DWWVRDEF from data set SDWWCNTL. To run the job update the following variables: Specify the values for the MGMCLAS and STRCLAS symbolic parameters to allocate the SMS managed VSAM data set.
The specified forward recovery log stream must be created, if it does not exist, before the DWWRUNBL IVP job starts. Below is an example of using IXCMIAPU to define a forward recovery log stream named DWWUSER.IVP.FILELOG:
//*  Allocate forward recovery log                                    */ 
//DELLOGS  EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU                                             
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*,DCB=RECFM=FBA                                     
//SYSIN    DD *                                                          
DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO)                                               
DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(DWWUSER.IVP.FILELOG)                               
STRUCTNAME(LOG_CICSVR) LS_SIZE(1180)                       
See, Creating the MVS log streams for more information.
The example below shows the first part of the JCL used to submit the job:
//SETPARM  SET THLQ=DWWUSER.V510                                                      
//         SET LOGSTRM=DWWUSER.IVP.FILELOG                      
//         SET MGMCLAS=                                      
//         SET STRCLAS=SCCOMP                                     
//REXXCRE  EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                                
//* This step is expected to complete with return code 0    
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                      
//SYSUT1   DD *                                             
When the job is successfully submitted the following data sets are produced:
If at IVP run the SMSVSAM server is not available, alter the "custd" sphere definition in the DWWVRDEF JOB to non-RLS - without the LOG parameter:
DEFINE CL(NAME("custd"') RECORDS(25 0) SHR(2) NIXD"  mgmc strc "LSID('"P2"')
 VOL(*) RECSZ(49 129) CISZ(1024) FSPC(0 0) FRLOG(REDO))  
Note: If your system environment does not support RLS-VSAM data sets, before running DWWVRDEF correct the job to discard operands LOG(ALL) for both VSAM data set definitions.