Operating environment

CICS® VR uses logs to recover your VSAM data.

CICS VR supports:

Software requirements

Start of change System requirements: z/OS® V1.12 or higher is required for installation and invocation of CICS VR V5R1. End of change

Additionally, the following APARs are required to run all of the CICS VR V5R1 functions:
  • OA39096
Start of change Replication logging requirements: z/OS V1.13 with the following maintenance applied:
  • OA38198, OA38200, OA38201, OA38202, OA38203, OA38204, OA38205, OA38209, OA38210, and OA38550.
End of change
CICS Requirements: The following APARs for the listed releases of CICS are required to run CICS VR V5R1 VSAM batch logging:
Start of change
CICS Release APARs
CICS TS V3.1 PK23984
CICS TS V3.2 and higher None
End of change

Start of change CICS TS compatibility: CICS VSAM Recovery V5R1 supports all releases of CICS TS that are currently supported by IBM, to a minimum of CICS TS V3.1. If extended ESDS support is to be used, a minimum of CICS TS V3.2 is required. CICS VR V5R1 can recover VSAM spheres from log records produced by either CICS TS forward recovery logging or CICS TS autojournaling. However, it is recommended to use log records produced by CICS TS forward recovery logging with CICS VR. End of change

Additional requirements: None

Optional software requirements

CICS VR V5R1 contains additional support for the following optional software offerings on all supported z/OS and CICS levels.
The following software is optional and is not required to install and run CICS VR.
  • DFSMShsm logical backups and full volume dumps
  • DFSMSdss logical copies and dumps
  • VSAM Record Level Sharing (RLS), only CICS updates supported. CICS VR VSAM batch logging does not support RLS data sets.
  • DFSMStvs (Transactional VSAM)
  • Backups made using the backup while open (BWO) and concurrent copy facilities.

Hardware requirements

You need the following hardware to run CICS VR:
  • A processor supporting the software mentioned in 'Software requirements'.
  • A tape unit or cartridge unit, disk drive space. Refer to the IBM CICSVR Version 5 Release 1 Program Directory for required storage space needed to install CICS VR.
  • CICS VR requires a minimum private area of 4 MB below the 16 MB line to execute.

Optional hardware requirements

The hardware that provides optional capabilities:
  • For concurrent copy:
    • An IBM® 3990 Model 3 with the Extended Platform and Licensed Internal Code or an IBM 3990 Model 6.
  • For VSAM RLS support:
    • A coupling facility device or z/OS image running coupling facility support is required.
  • For CICS VR VSAM batch logging:
    • Both DASD-only and coupling facility log streams are supported. Coupling facility log streams require active coupling facility links, for details see z/OS MVS Setting up a SYSPLEX.