ODF user exits

ODF provides several user exits that you can customize.

The user exits include:
z/OS only: arsodfxa
Spool file data set allocation attributes exit
z/OS only: arsodfxb
Banner/header/trailer exit
z/OS only: arsodfxm
Bundle manifest exit
Processed distribution exit

AIX only: Solaris only: The sample ODFProcessDist.java program is delivered as a default executable in the installpath/jars directory, where installpath is the installation directory path you chose when you installed Content Manager OnDemand. A source code sample is provided in the installpath/exits/odf directory.

Linux only: The sample ODFProcessDist.java program is delivered as a default executable in the installpath/jars directory, where installpath is the installation directory path you chose when you installed Content Manager OnDemand. A source code sample is provided in the installpath/exits/odf directory.

 Windows only: The sample ODFProcessDist.java program is delivered as a default executable in the installpath\jars directory, where installpath is the installation directory path you chose when you installed Content Manager OnDemand. A source code sample is provided in the installpath\exits\odf directory.

z/OS only: Sample COBOL programs for arsodfxa, arsodfxb, and arsocfxm are delivered as default executables in the installpath/bin/exits directory, where installpath is the installation directory path you chose when you installed Content Manager OnDemand. Source code samples and the JCL statements that are used to compile the exits are provided in the ARS.V9R5M0.SARSINST library. Parameters are declared in COBOL copybook named arsodfxc. The sample compile JCL is named ARSCODFX.

z/OS only: The sample ODFProcessDist.java program is delivered as a default executable in the installpath/jars directory, where installpath is the installation directory path you chose when you installed Content Manager OnDemand. A source code sample is provided in the installpath/samples directory.

z/OS only: Previous versions of ODF supported the following user exits:

z/OS only: If you have customized one of the user exits from a previous version of ODF that is replaced by a new version 9.5 exit, you must rename your user exit program to the new user exit name, update the parameter list to match the version 9.5 copybook, update your user exit program to use the new parameter names, update your output to add a new line delimiter character, and then compile and link-edit the updated program. If you currently use an unmodified version of one of the user exists that is being replaced by a new version 9.5 exit, no action is required. If you currently use one of the exits that is no longer supported, you must find an alternative to accomplish the function that your current user exit program performs.

See the PROLOG and block comments in each sample user exit for detailed information about what the user exit does and any requirements it has.