Passing parameters to EQANMDBG

When you modify your JCL, CLIST, or REXX EXEC to start EQANMDBG, you pass the following parameters to EQANMDBG:
  • The name of the user program to be debugged (required)
  • Any of the following run-time options (optional):
    • COUNTRY to specify a country code for z/OS® Debugger
    • NATLANG to specify the national language used to communicate with z/OS Debugger
    • NONLESP to specify the SUBPOOL for z/OS Debugger to use for its storage
    • TEST to specify z/OS Debugger options. For example, you can use suboptions of the TEST run-time option to specify the data sets that contain z/OS Debugger commands and preferences. You can use suboptions to specify whether to use a remote debug mode session or a full-screen mode using the Terminal Interface Manager session.
    • TRAP to specify whether z/OS Debugger is to intercept abends.

You can specify these parameters in one of following ways:

Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic.

  • Related references
  • z/OS Debugger run-time options (IBM® z/OS Debugger Reference and Messages)