Debugging tasks running under a generic user ID by using Terminal Interface Manager

Note: This section is not applicable to IBM® Developer z/OS® (non-Enterprise Edition) or IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack (Wazi Code).
If you use Terminal Interface Manager and want to debug an IMS transaction or a DB/2 stored procedure that runs under a generic user ID, take the following setup steps first:
  1. The Terminal Interface Manager stared task must be started in repository mode by using the -r startup option. See Starting the Terminal Interface Manager in the IBM z/OS Debugger Customization Guide for more information about this task.
  2. The IMS message region or DB/2 stored procedure WLM started task where the task will execute must be running in delay debug mode. At a minimum this requires that the TEST option be specified, and that an EQAOPTS load module containing the DLAYDBG,YES command be present in the environment's search path.
  3. You must have authority to debug tasks started by the given generic user ID. This authority is controlled by the EQADTOOL.GENERICID.generic-user-ID RACF® facility.
Note: For the setup items, you may need to confer with your system programmer to ensure that the steps have been performed.

To debug a task stared by a generic user ID, take the following steps:

  1. Make a connection to the Terminal Interface Manager.
  2. Log on to Terminal Interface Manager with your login credentials. The following panel is displayed:
                             z/OS DEBUGGER TERMINAL INTERFACE MANAGER
    EQAY001I Terminal TRMLU004 connected for user USRT001
    EQAY001I Ready for z/OS Debugger
    EQAY001I Data set name : 'USRT001.DLAYDBG.EQAUOPTS' (default -- not loaded)
                  PF3=EXIT  PF10=Edit LE options data set  PF12=LOGOFF
  3. Press PF10 to edit your LE options data set. Ensure that you select the delay debug options data set. The default name for this data set is userid.DLAYDBG.EQAUOPTS, but it might have been customized for your site to use a different naming pattern.
  4. On the Edit TEST runtime options data set panel, press PF8 to access the Db2/IMS information panel. Fill in the proper information for the IMS transaction or the DB/2 stored procedure that you want to debug. The following example shows how to debug IMS transaction "DTMQBR" defined in IMS system "IMS1":
                             * Supply additional options *
     Enter IMS identifiers for IMS generic ID support:
    IMS Subsystem ID                   : IMS1
    IMS Transaction ID                 : DTMQBR
     Enter Db2 identifiers for Db2 generic ID support:
    Db2 Stored Procedure Schema        :
    Db2 Stored Procedure External Name :
                            PF1=Help  PF4=Save  PF12=Cancel
  5. Press PF4 to save the IMS or DB/2 information, and then press PF4 again to save the delay debug preferences.
  6. When you no longer want to debug the given task, you can deregister for the task by using Terminal Interface Manager to edit the delay debug preferences data set and remove the task information from the IMS/Db2® options panel. You can also log off of Terminal Interface Manager.
Note: When the IMS transaction or DB/2 stored procedure executes under a generic user ID in delay debug mode, z/OS Debugger communicates with Terminal Interface Manager to determine whether a user has signed on and wants to debug the current task.

If the IMS or DB/2 information matches, the TIM user's TSO user ID is returned to z/OS Debugger. z/OS Debugger uses the TSO user ID to open the associated delay debug preferences data set. If the pattern-matching arguments in the delay debug preferences data set match, the debug preference will be used to start the z/OS Debugger user interface.